This is a really nice solution for STON, thank you!

But in general terms, imagine I have some task and it’s not the trivial to add 
a progress bar. I could spawn a string morph and make circle the digits with 
some interval, but maybe there is something easier. For example Kommiter had a 
spinner morph that you could just open and it would be spinning. So when you 
run a task you can easily see that the task is still running


> On 5 Feb 2017, at 20:01, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> A bit off topic, but I would do the STON writing as follows:
> [
> (FileLocator temp / 'file.ston') writeStreamDo: [ :out |
>  (STON writer on: out) in: [ :stonWriter |
>    30 timesRepeat: [ 
>      stonWriter nextPut: Smalltalk allClasses ] ] ].
> ] timeToRun. "0:00:00:02.176"
> But in light of alternative streams and some optimisation, this works too:
> [
> | file |
> file := (File named: '/tmp/file.ston') openForWrite.
> [ 
>  ZnBufferedWriteStream on: (ZnCharacterWriteStream on: file) do: [ :out | 
>    (STON writer on: out) in: [ :stonWriter |
>      30 timesRepeat: [ 
>        stonWriter nextPut: Smalltalk allClasses ] ] ] 
> ] ensure: [ file close ].
> ] timeToRun. "0:00:00:00.385"
> Which is faster.
> Total file size is ~1.2MB.
> BTW, we need #readStreamDo: and #writeStreamDo: on File I think, as it 
> encourages proper resource management.
>> On 5 Feb 2017, at 19:16, Henrik Nergaard <> wrote:
>> ---------------------
>> | ston file|
>> ston := (1 to: 30) flatCollect: [:ix |STON toStringPretty: Smalltalk 
>> allClasses].
>> file := (FileStream fileNamed: 'file.ston').
>> ston whileDisplayingProgress
>>      action: [ :stream | file nextPutAll: stream ] whenDone: [ file close ];
>>      open;
>>      fillOwner
>> ---------------------
>> Best regards,
>> Henrik
>> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
>> Fra: Pharo-dev [] På vegne av Yuriy 
>> Tymchuk
>> Sendt: 05 February 2017 16:56
>> Til: Pharo Development List <>
>> Emne: [Pharo-dev] How can I create a trivial "spinner" etc, to see if image 
>> is busy?
>> Hi all,
>> is there an easy was to do some thing that is constantly changing? so if my 
>> image freezes (to export a 1gb ston file for example) I can see when it’s 
>> done.    Or maybe there is a way to send a mac notification from Pharo?
>> Cheers.
>> Uko

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