On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:59 AM, Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Windows (10) (with latest 6 image and VM) `Time microsecondClockValue` 
>> > returns microseconds, but (presumably the system) cannot give precision 
>> > beyond 1 second - this will imho need a VM fix;
>> I find that quite hard to believe and I did not know that. Are you really 
>> sure ? That would be terrible. A solution might be to use another clock 
>> primitive.
>> > I can also generate about 1.2M UUIDs per second (limited by single core I 
>> > guess), which means that about every 600-1200 consequential UUIDs will 
>> > have the same clock value.
>> I can't follow your reasoning here: if the clock precision would be 1 
>> second, you would get 1.2M consecutive UUIDs with the same clock value, 
>> right ?
> Whoops, I meant the precision on a millisecond, not second... thus the ~1000k 
> consecutive clock values.
> The returned value is still in microseconds, but the last 3 digits are fixed 
> (they are different on startup, but same during execution).

This is a limitation of the Windows VM.  I opened an issue to work on
VM clock, but a few other side-tasks jumped above it while I was
learning more about the VM code.

cheers -ben

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