Hi doru

may be I do not see the obvious.
I defined a class

Object subclass: #MFElement
    instanceVariableNames: 'name parent'
    classVariableNames: ''
    package: 'MyFS2'

printOn: aStream
    parent isNil ifFalse: [ parent printOn: aStream ].
    aStream << name

name: aString
     name := aString

MFDirectory new name: 'comics'.

And when I do

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics')

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics') printString

Hi Stef,

I think I do not understand the issue.

Here is the screenshot of a Playground.

‘comics’ -> print-it -> ‘comics'

What am I missing?


On Feb 18, 2017, at 6:26 PM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

Hi guys

I'm working on an introduction chapter for my future book and I do not like the behavior I see in latest pharo 60.

And I do not understand the behavior of print-it

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics')

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics') printString

Why print it does not produce ''?


"Treat the current text selection as an expression; evaluate it. Insert the description of the result of evaluation after the selection and then make
        this description the new text selection."

        | printString |
                evaluateSelectionAndDo: [ :result |
                        printString := [ result printString ]
                                on: Error
                                do: [ '<error in printString: try ''Inspect it'' 
to debug>' ].
                        self afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: printString ]

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Attachment: MFElement.st
Description: Binary data

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