On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 16:04:31 +0100, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

Hi doru

Yes I know. I did not imply anything.I think that the current status is bogus. I do not see any scenario that makes printString not returning and displaying a string good.

Yes there is one: the self evaluating objects

1 printIt

true printIt

true printString printIt

now I'm confused because there is something that does not work.

I do not get why'comics' printString should double quote it.to me
'comics' printString


'comics' printIt


as well as
(#AAA asClass new name: 'comics') PrintIt

I just to not get what is the benefit not to have in the workspace or any users of printIt no single quote

I agree that for a list of items
you do not want to have
    'astroboy'    'tintin'

but instead     astroboy

I see that lot of people got confused about that. Just look at the cuboid videos of Roassal you get comboboxes full of ' ' while there should not have any.
Now to me this is the job of displayString.
displayString is not the same as printString.
printString should return a string and I should see a string in the REPL

Currently in the REPL because this is what we are talking aboutobtaining a non string is confusing.
Am I clear?

Hi Stef,

Just a clarification. I do not argue here. I just explain what I see. I think it was like this since a long time. I even checked in an old VW I have around and it seems to have the same behavior.

But, I do agree that it is not straightforward at all. It took me a while to figure this out and it is still confusing sometimes. In fact, this is why we have a String presentation in the String object - I >>needed something that clarifies situations like these. That does not mean it is the best solution :).

On Feb 19, 2017, at 11:42 AM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 11:40:04 +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

Ah, you're right: there is a difference between printing a textual representation on a stream / window and doing the same with the actual (print)string. I was not yet >>>>fully awake I guess.

        >>> comics                             whatever it means
        (#AAA asClass new name: 'comics')
        >>> ‘comics'

It’s the other way around :).

        Example A:
>>print it>> ‘comics’ In this case we have a string object and we send printString to it which in String>>storeOn: adds the quotes as part of the contents of the new string.

        Example B:
        (#AAA asClass new name: 'comics')
>>print it>> comics Here we have an non-string object and we sent printString to it which creates a string with the contents of the stream. As no String>>storeOn: is invoked in this case, there are no >>quotes.

So, the two resulting print it strings do not have the same contents.

Maybe another case:

        Example C:
        (#AAA asClass new name: 'comics’) printString
        >>print it>> ‘comics’
This is equivalent to Example A. We send printString to a string object and we get the quotes.

The issue is that when we send printString to a string, we produce a new string with escaped quotes: 'comics' = (String streamContents: [:s | s << 'comics’]) contents. "true" 'comics' = (String streamContents: [:s | s << 'comics']) contents printString. "false"

I'm sorry but I do not get it at all.
Especially since we always wrote that printIt is sending printString.
I find that totally broken and I do not understand why this is good.

Another thing to keep in mind is:

Example D:
        Object new
        >>print it>> an Object
        This is essentially equivalent with Example A

If Example B would produce      >>print it>> ‘comics’
it would mean that Example D would produce
        >>print it>> ‘an Object’

Ugh, I already got dizzy with so many quotes :).

One problem is that when you look at a string, you do not know how many String>>storeOn: commands it went through. So, here is an idea: what if String>>printString would produce a >>EscapedString, which behaves like an operator? In this case, we would see better how many levels of String>>storeOn: are being displayed.

What do you think?



On 19 Feb 2017, at 10:59, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:


Hmm, I think I do not see it :).

Let’s take it slowly. From what I see, the behavior is the same since at least Pharo 3.

Here is a script that seems to reproduce your situation:

Object subclass: #AAA
        instanceVariableNames: 'name'
        classVariableNames: ''
        package: 'AAA'.
#AAA asClass compile: 'printOn: aStream
  aStream << name'.
#AAA asClass compile: 'name: aString
        name := aString'.
#AAA asClass new name: 'comics'

In Pharo 6, we have in a Playground:

<Screen Shot 2017-02-19 at 10.48.55 AM.png>

In Pharo 3, we have this in a Workspace:

<Screen Shot 2017-02-19 at 10.49.26 AM.png>

Calling Print It on an object produces a string out of the contents of the stream, and displaying it shows the contents of the stream (so, no quotes). >>>>>Calling Print It on a string produces a string of the string, and displaying it shows the quotes of the first string.

You can see this in the String tab of the inspector:



Does this make sense?

I think this is not inconsistent, but maybe there is a better way. In any case, the behavior seems to exist since a long time.


On Feb 19, 2017, at 9:06 AM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

Hi doru

may be I do not see the obvious.
I defined a class

Object subclass: #MFElement
  instanceVariableNames: 'name parent'
  classVariableNames: ''
  package: 'MyFS2'

printOn: aStream
  parent isNil ifFalse: [ parent printOn: aStream ].
  aStream << name

name: aString
   name := aString

MFDirectory new name: 'comics'.

And when I do

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics')

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics') printString

Hi Stef,

I think I do not understand the issue.

Here is the screenshot of a Playground.

‘comics’ -> print-it -> ‘comics'

<Mail Attachment.png>

What am I missing?


On Feb 18, 2017, at 6:26 PM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

Hi guys

I'm working on an introduction chapter for my future book and I do not like the behavior I see in latest pharo 60.

And I do not understand the behavior of print-it

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics')

(MFDirectory new name: 'comics') printString

Why print it does not produce ''?


"Treat the current text selection as an expression; evaluate it. Insert the description of the result of evaluation after the selection and then make
        this description the new text selection."

        | printString |
                evaluateSelectionAndDo: [ :result |
                        printString := [ result printString ]
                                on: Error
                                do: [ '<error in printString: try ''Inspect it'' 
to debug>' ].
                        self afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: printString ]

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