On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:55 PM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

> Pharo 6.0
> Latest update: #60410
> Hi
> Several points that we MUST improve
> - I often get an error when I save code.
> SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0
> extent
>         ^ self actualWidth
>                 ifNil: [ self minimumExtent ]
>                 ifNotNil: [
>                         (self actualWidth + self margins left + self
> margins right)
>                                 @ (self lines last bottom - self lines
> first top + self margins top + self margins bottom) ]
> In RubParagraph
>         apparentl self lines last...
>         tries to access the 0 indexed element :(
> - How do we get the old textual stack description?

In the toolbar menu of the stack you find 'Fuel out stack' and 'Copy to
'Copy to clipboard' copies a textual description of the stack that can then
be pasted in an email.
Is this the "old textual description" or are you referring to something

>         Now I wanted to report it and share with you the stack..... oh boy!
>         I thought it was file out but no it just save one method
> definition (So great)

What action did you use to file our the textual description?


>         I got Fuelout the stack in the menu but this is not what I want.
> :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

> - Finally
>         BTW I clicked on report and I have no idea what it does not mean.
> The fly by help is empty :(((((
> So like an idiot I did a screen capture.
> This broke totally my feel. In less than 10 min I left like either the
> system became less good or I'm totally stupid.
> Stef

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