On 08/03/2017 10:42, Stephane Ducasse wrote:
> Hello Siddhart 
> I asked lukas to decide if he can participate to the GSOC ecompletion
> project or not. He is working for a company and 
> he may not have the time to fully participate. 
> I hope that he will take his decision soon. 
> Now about the project and GSOC in general here are some advices:
> - Did you follow the pharo mooc?
> - It would be good to show to the community that you are a nice pharoer
> :) usually we ask people to do the following exercise
> - double linked list test first
> - now if you want to show that you are super super cool and we will all
> want to work with you I suggest (it depends on your level)
> to try to do the ObjVlisp tutorial available at: 

The link is missing. But I think it wight be this one:


Cyril Ferlicot


2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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