With Nick, we try to add the PHARO tag on some on our publications but
apparently he does appear in the list. Is it updated from time to time


On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:57 AM, denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have setup a collection at HAL. For now it is empty, we should fill it and 
> then add it to the website
> (and announce it then, not now…).
> The collection automatically has every paper on HAL that has “PHARO” as a 
> keyword in the field
> "Project/Collaboration”.
>         https://hal.inria.fr/PHARO/
>         https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/PHARO
> HAL is not Inria specific, here is some more infos (from 
> https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr ):
>         HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents 
> from all academic fields.
>         For the attention of the authors
>                 • The deposit must be made in agreement with the co-authors 
> and in the respect for the policy of the publishers.
>                 • The deposit is subject of a control, HAL reserves the right 
> to refuse items that do not meet the criteria of the archive.
>                 • Any deposit is definitive, no withdrawals will be made 
> after the on-line posting of the publication.
>                 • Text files in pdf format or image files are sent to CINES 
> (https://www.cines.fr/en/) for long-term archiving.
> For the attention of the readers
>         • In a context of electronic distribution, every author keep all its 
> intellectual property rights.
>> On 16 Feb 2017, at 15:13, denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> One idea on my TODO that I got from colleagues here working on another 
>> OpenSource/Research
>> system (Sofa3D): to add all publication to the website automatically using 
>> HAL (the national french
>> paper database).
>> It looks like this on the website:
>>       https://www.sofa-framework.org/applications/publications/
>> and here “how to add a paper”:
>> https://www.sofa-framework.org/applications/publications/add-a-publication-with-hal/
>> I will definitely set this up for Pharo later this year (read: as soon as 
>> possible)
>>       Marcus
>>> On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:30, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> And now for your regularly scheduled random trivia show...
>>> I was mildly curious about how many papers touched on Pharo.
>>> 1,110 on google scholar for...
>>> "pharo" "programming"
>>> http://tiny.cc/pharo-scholar
>>> 1,630 on normal google for...
>>> "pharo" "programming" "abstract" "introduction" "conclusion"
>>> "references" filetype:pdf
>>> http://tiny.cc/pharo-papers
>>> Probably a lot of overlap between them.
>>> cheers -ben

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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