I was going to slip this example into the welcome help,

1 printString [debugIt]

and I'm confronted by SmallInteger>>printString

"Highly optimized version for base 10
and that we know it is a SmallInteger."
| integer next result len |
self = 0 ifTrue: [^'0'].
self < 0 ifTrue: [^'-', self negated printString].
len := self decimalDigitLength.
result := String new: len.
integer := self.
len to: 1 by: -1 do: [:i |
next := integer // 10.
result byteAt: i put: 48 + (integer - (next * 10)).
integer := next].

and I gather from other discussions this should(?) belong in
Or is there a large benefit to avoiding the #printStringLimitedTo:
 machinery ?

cheers -ben

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