but I guess that the printOn: method should still be working because we can
invoke it instead of creating a new stream.
I mean as a developer I do not know that printString is not creating a
stream so normally I should use printOn: especially from other printOn:
method to avoid the creation of spurious streams. Now this printstring
method is just good to printString and asString (if it invokes it). May be
smallInteger>>printOn: call it too if it does not I have the impression
that it should.

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 1:41 PM, Nicolas Cellier <
nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2017-04-08 6:38 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
>> I was going to slip this example into the welcome help,
>> 1 printString [debugIt]
>> and I'm confronted by SmallInteger>>printString
>> printString
>> "Highly optimized version for base 10
>> and that we know it is a SmallInteger."
>> | integer next result len |
>> self = 0 ifTrue: [^'0'].
>> self < 0 ifTrue: [^'-', self negated printString].
>> len := self decimalDigitLength.
>> result := String new: len.
>> integer := self.
>> len to: 1 by: -1 do: [:i |
>> next := integer // 10.
>> result byteAt: i put: 48 + (integer - (next * 10)).
>> integer := next].
>> ^result
>> and I gather from other discussions this should(?) belong in
>> SmallInteger>>printOn:
>> Or is there a large benefit to avoiding the #printStringLimitedTo:
>>  machinery ?
>> cheers -ben
> It should be printOn: generally, except that printOn: requires creating a
> Stream, and requires passing thru Stream indirection for writing into the
> target String.
> As the comment tells, the sole reason for this implementation is "Highly
> optimized version". So consider that it's an exception to the rules. Maybe
> this kind of decision could be periodically re-examined in the light of
> performance measurements (I'm thinking of Sista)?

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