
This are the pending issues for release Pharo 6.0: 

- NEW: there is a problem with latest VM and primitiveFindSubstring that needs 
to be fixed.
- make all tests pass (there are still some failing tests when compiling a new 
- libgit2: Still not there, Jan and Ben were trying and sent some suggestions 
but I still didn’t had the time to test it.

- iceberg hit the image

Fixed last week: 

- win32, cairo fonts problem
- leak revision by Pavel
(and of course several issues not mentioned in the list).

- Make the release! 
- Test the new process and tape some videos explaining how we will contribute 
with a bootstrapped process using github :)

By the way… this is a list we have to accomplish in order to make a release (so 
you know our pain): 

- Prepare release notes
- add welcome browser
- generate PharoV60.sources
- move SystemVersion
- prepare new ScriptLoader70 package (in theory, this will not needed anymore 
but better to have it as a backup :P)
- stable for 6.0 release
- Update index
- Update download page
- ZeroConf: Open new 7.0 development
- SmalltalkCI: Open new 7.0 development
- Create platform stable versions
- Jenkins: move all CI projects to Pharo 7.0 (again some will not needed 
anymore, notable those moved to travis, but still)
- And talking about travis: prepare all new process on github/travis/appveyor
- announce post
- announce mail
- post to YC, Reddit

… and I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot more I will remember in the process of 
making the release.

(which is one of the reasons why we do not have “more releases in a year”)

Anyway, do not despair… we are almost there!


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