I see. But why not to let the class subscribe to what it needs?
Maybe something like:

Command subclass: #ClyShowClassRefCommand

ClyShowClassRefCommand class>>registerFor: aCommandActivator
        aCommandActivator add: self for: ClyButtonToolbarGroup.
        aCommandActivator add: self for: ClyBrowserContext.

This is just a suggestion.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

> On Apr 12, 2017, at 6:54 AM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-04-12 0:28 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.ber...@me.com 
> <mailto:alexandre.ber...@me.com>>:
> I would imagine that your activatorClass can lookup the command simply as:
> PackageCommand allSubclasses select: [ :c | c isEnabledFor: … ]
> This approach restricts command implementation and queries to single 
> hierarchy which is not scale.
> For example in Calypso there is ShowClassRefsCommand which is shown as 
> toolbar button in both system and method browsers. But this command is in 
> ClassCommand hierarchy because it operates on collection of classes.
> We can lookup both MethodCommands and ClassCommands in method browser. But 
> then we will have a lot of commands which we do not need in method browser.
> Another example is "browse" command which is accessed by cmd+b and from 
> context menu of any browser pane. 
> Here is how they all connected to Calypso browsers:
> ClyShowClassRefCommand class>>systemBrowserToolbarActivator
>       <commandActivator>      
>       ^ClyToolbarCommandActivator byItemOf: ClyButtonToolbarGroup for: 
> ClyClassSystemBrowserContext
> ClyShowClassRefCommand class>methodBrowserToolbarActivator
>       <commandActivator>
>       ^ClyToolbarCommandActivator byItemOf: ClyButtonToolbarGroup for: 
> ClyMethodBrowserContext
> ClySpawnSystemBrowserCommand class>>browserShortcutActivator
>       <commandActivator>
>       ^CmdShortcutCommandActivator by: $b meta for: ClyBrowserContext
> ClySpawnSystemBrowserCommand class>>browserMenuActivator
>       <commandActivator>
>       ^CmdContextMenuCommandActivator byRootGroupItemFor: ClyBrowserContext 
> (ClyBrowserContext is superclass of any Calypso browser contexts)

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