Hello everyone

I have been accepted as a GSoC student and my project is Advancing in Pharo
Quality Support. Here
the link to my proposal, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment
or send me an email, I would really appreciate some feedback. Here are also
links to my github <https://github.com/myroslavarm> and linkedin

In short, my project consists of several subprojects:

   - updating rules (improving hints, moving the rules to corresponding
   - advanced rule toggle (a functionality to enable/disable rules from
   Pharo settings, a shortcut to ban a rule globally)
   - smart error handling (display errors that occured during critique
   computation along the actual critiques)
   - match-rewrite tool (combines features of matchtool and rewritetool,
   improves the process of inspecting, creating, editing and removing rules)
   - pre-commit quality feedback (an extension to either monticello or
   iceberg that will show modified parts of a project and critiques related to
   them --- if I have time)
   - making rules more maintainable while reporting encountered bugs

Thanks very much for this amazing opportunity to be working with all of
you, and for the help you're providing us, GSoC students, with - on Discord
and in the mailing list.

Looking forward to the amazing summer with the Pharo community!

-- Myroslava

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