Am I the only one or are there some classes missing?


> Am 06.07.2017 um 15:35 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano <>:
> Hi,
> I just released Iceberg version 0.5.1 with a Pull Request tool Guille and I 
> worked on since yesterday. 
> It allows you to list open Pull Requests (by right click on a repo, 
> GitHub/Review pull requests… option): 
> <Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 14.59.32.png>
> And then if you doubleclick on one (or select it with right button), you will 
> see this: 
> <Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 15.00.56.png>
> it allows you to see changes and 
> - merge changes into your image (in case you want to see more in details the 
> code, run tests, etc.)
> - accept a pull request
> - reject a pull request
> no, it does not shows (at least *yet*) comments, and it does not allows you 
> to add comments, reviews, etc. 
> this could be done, but not time to implement it now, so for now this has to 
> be enough. 
> Again, this can be loaded in a 6.0 image by executing this script: 
> #('Iceberg-UI' 'Iceberg-Plugin' 'Iceberg-Metacello-Integration' 
> 'Iceberg-Libgit' 'Iceberg' 'BaselineOfIceberg' 'LibGit-Core' 
> 'BaselineOfLibGit') do: [ :each | each asPackage removeFromSystem ].
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'Iceberg';
>   repository: 'github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:v0.5.1 
> <github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:v0.5.1>';
>   load. 
> (and you still need to have the vm that is meant for Pharo7)
> This tools are open for you to use on your projects… and to improve them, I 
> accept pull requests on pharo-vcs/iceberg.
> cheers!
> Esteban

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