Out of curiosity: What is the impact on the Pharo Project? Is the build
process is interrupted?


On 28.07.2017 19:18, Christophe Demarey wrote:
> Dear CI users,
> Due to a manipulation error, a lot of Virtual Machines hosted on
> CloudStack were destroyed and are _not recoverable_!
> For the projects being impacted, there is no other solution than
> recreate new VMs. Please find as attachment the list of virtual
> machines that are not affected.
> Jenkins servers are not concerned by this issue, so all your jobs and
> history are safe. 
> We are deeply sorry for this failure.
> Everything was done in an effort to retrieve the lost VMs, but it has
> proven to be an impossible task and the VMs cannot be restored. We are
> now working on setting up safeguards to prevent such situations.
> With our sincere apologies,
> The CI team.

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