On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 3:17 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 12:25 AM, Guillermo Polito <
> guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Guillermo Polito <
>>> guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> About tagging... It looks super ackward to me to tag EVERY commit with
>>>> "build information".
>>> I'm not sure which comment your responding to,
>> yours :P. Yes, too early, I did not want to properly quote...
>>> and not sure what you mean by "build information",
>> In this particular case I mean build number.
>> but obviously someone may do several commits before doing a pull request,
>>> as they work through developing and testing a fix for an Issue.  Its only
>>> the successful builds that are uploaded to files.pharo.org that are
>>> important to tag.
>> But then, why not just going through the files in files.pharo.org and
>> get the corresponding hash from there (since they have the hash they
>> correspond to)? I do not see the practical usecase. It's just redundance,
>> no?
>>> Building does not mean releasing... I prefer the other way around: we
>>>> tag builds with commit information. Like that we know how to reproduce the
>>>> build.
>>>> I'm ok with tagging build artifacts by explicitly saying "this is BUILD
>>>> #X", which is ~= from "this is RELEASE #X".
>>> I'd imagine that tagging a commit as BUILD#X would be done as part of
>>> the CI immediately before the upload to files.pharo.org.
>> That's what I wanto to avoid. Why is that required? The generated file
>> already has a pointer to the git commit it was generated from. Why do we
>> need the backpointer from git to the build?
> So should PharoLauncher attach a datestamp to each entity?
> There needs to be something visible that a human can sort by.
> I guess this is an interim solution until PharoLauncher is made to work
> with Iceberg, but we need something working until then.

But PharoLauncher does not access commits. It never did. I think it gets
all information from the file server and the naming schema of files...

>>>> Moreover, before we needed to store ALL versions of the image because
>>>> that was the way we versionned the system. Now, every commit in the
>>>> #development branch should be buildable (delta some bugs of course ;)).
>>>> This means that we can rebuild all images by just iterating the git history
>>>> and building from scratch.
>>> I don't understand why you'd need to iterate git history.
>>> Shouldn't you be able to rebuild an image from a single git commit?
>> Yes you are. I meant in here that "if you want to rebuild all images from
>> files.pharo.org" you can walk all commits.
> got it.
>>>> No need to store all images.
>>> Do you mean on files.pharo.com?
>>> That might be a good later goal, but for now these resultant images are
>>> useful to work with PharoLauncher without expending effort on redeveloping
>>> that to also rebuild images on the fly.
>> Yeah, I did not mean that we have to change it. But we have to keep in
>> mind that before files.pharo.org was used for versioning purposes but in
>> a process where we are bootstrapping from sources, the intermediate
>> generated images are build artifacts and are just a "cache".
>> I know the launcher depends on it right now, but does it make sense that
>> it provides access to every alpha image
> It may make sense when someone wants to bisect an Issue to determine when
> a defect was introduced.
> How does the time downloading ten images compare to bootstrapping ten
> images?

True true. That's why I say it's a cache :). While this is cheap enough to
have all builds stored, I'm ok with it.

>>> Pharo${IMAGE_KIND}-7.0.0-arch.32bit.sha.${HASH}.build.${BUIL
>>>>> D_NUMBER}.zip
>>> +1 to Torsten's suggestion to put the BUILD_NUMBER first, since it is
>>> more sortable than HASH.
>> Ok, that's easily doable :)
>> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/185/files#diff-b
>> f8112f4242808a7d70517e28088f72b
>>> By "arch", do you mean Win/Linux/Mac? Or were labelling the bit-ness
>>> field?
>> bitness. Images are portable between operating systems but not between
>> 32&64 bit vms.
>>> Also, is it important to prepend these with the numbers with "build."
>>> and "sha." fieldname strings? This bulks out the name increases the chance
>>> some interface needs to mangle the name to fit into a thin column.
>> I like that they make the metadata more explicit. Otherwise we will start
>> having strange scripts that have magic numbers here and there. At least
>> like this we can read the file name and identify what is each field. I
>> prefer to pay some extra bytes in filenames...
>> About column names in UIs.... That's a UI problem. I'd not design the
>> filename of our build artifacts because of a UI...
> fair enough.
>>> While we are discussion version naming (and I ask this from a position
>>> of ignorance)
>>> could you discuss with your team, without insider knowledge, how do we
>>> distinguish between the released 7.0.0 and all the 7.0.0 development builds
>>> heading towards that release?
>>> Can we add something to distinguish the development phase
>>> i.e. alpha/beta/rc/release (which coincidentally sort well with build
>>> numbers.)
>>>   Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.0-alpha.${BUILD_NUMBER}.${HASH}.zip
>>>   Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.0-beta.${BUILD_NUMBER}.${HASH}.zip
>>>   Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.0-rc.${BUILD_NUMBER}.${HASH}.zip
>>>   Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.0-release.${BUILD_NUMBER}.${HASH}.
>>> zip
>>> beta might be the defined point to ask applications to test-port to the
>>> new version, this perhaps being the optimum point to get fixes into the the
>>> next release.
>>> or if you don't want to be that sophisticated, maybe just phases dev/rel
>> I like that. The only thing is that right now what is "alpha" version is
>> managed in the file server as "latest". That will otherwise break zeroconf
>> scripts that depend on that.
>> I'd say every build in development is alpha so far. At some point we will
>> move to beta. Releases and release candidates should be managed explicitly
>> (like there is someone that will decide "this is a release and I'll tag it
>> explicitly like it").
>>> or for a more continuous release process, maybe '#' for the patch
>>> number...
>>>   Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.#-${BUILD_NUMBER}.${HASH}.zip
>>> (since '#' sorts before '0')
>> I did not get this one.
> I was thinking something like below, but perhaps it gets too awkward after
> 7.0.0.
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.#-.build.70001.sha.${HASH}.zip
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.#-.build.70002.sha.${HASH}.zip
> ...
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.#-.build.70639.sha.${HASH}.zip
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.0-.build.70640.sha.${HASH}.zip
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.1-.build.70641.sha.${HASH}.zip
> Pharo-${IMAGE_KIND}${BITNESS}-7.0.2-.build.70642.sha.${HASH}.zip

Ah! I understand now. You want to tag with a # the latest build.

> cheers -ben


Guille Polito

Research Engineer

French National Center for Scientific Research - *http://www.cnrs.fr*

*Web:* *http://guillep.github.io* <http://guillep.github.io>

*Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

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