Hi Ronie, Hi all,

I am trying to use OSWindow/SDL2 in Pharo 6,1 stable, I successfully opened
the window and I can draw on it with Athens (with minor changes compared to
Pharo 4). However, the user events (keyboard, mouse, etc.) are not working.
It seems some constants are not initialized but I am not sure what is the
right way to initialize them.

If I am correct Ronie you said you had a script to run to make OSWindow
work in the latest Pharo version. Can you give it to me so I can use it ? I
just need keyboard events for my use case.

Btw for some reason in the one-click version of Pharo 32 bits on Mac there
is 2 SDL plugins (libSDL2-2.0.0 and libSDL2), which leads to conflicts (the
VM use randomly one lib or the other). I randomly chose one that I use and
deleted the other one, do you have advises on which one I should prefer ?
Maybe the events are working only with the other one ?


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