On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

> Hi,
> IMHO, it will make Pharo much more robust if core libraries as sdl, cairo,
> etc will be shipped with each plateform dependent virtual machine and the
> image modified accordingly to use these core libraries.

That's how it is now but some of it is not working (Here SDL events and
there are 2 SDL2 libs by default).

I think we should still have a minimal image starting with a minimal UI
without using FFI/SDL/Cairo or whatever lib. Else when we start on a
platform where one of this thing is not properly supported yet (See the
problem on the raspberry pie with some Pharo alpha version) it is too hard
to understand what is going on.

> The delivery of Pharo application to end users is an issue because of
> these recuring problem.

Honestly I was trying to write a doc on how to deploy Pharo client app with
SDL2 and Cairo but I have only a version working in Pharo 4 on Mac and
Linux, while in theory I could have it working in Windows/Mac/Linux in the
latest Pharo.

> Hilaire
> Le 28/09/2017 à 15:02, Clément Bera a écrit :
>> Btw for some reason in the one-click version of Pharo 32 bits on Mac
>> there is 2 SDL plugins (libSDL2-2.0.0 and libSDL2), which leads to
>> conflicts (the VM use randomly one lib or the other). I randomly chose one
>> that I use and deleted the other one, do you have advises on which one I
>> should prefer ? Maybe the events are working only with the other one ?
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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