Good summary. I must add to comparison and operations, I’d add encoding, where 
ASN.1 Reals MUST convert to Float before encoding with mantissa, exponent, etc. 
Here is another Fraction -> Float conversion. As well as ScaledDecimal -> Float 

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On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 06:59, <> wrote:

> I would like to summarize my perspective of what emerged from the discussions 
> in the "float & fraction equality bug" trail. The topic is all about mixed 
> operations when both Fractions and Floats are involved in the mix and can be 
> restated as the question of whether it is better to automagically convert the 
> Float to a Fraction or the Fraction to a Float before performing the 
> operation. AFAIK, Pharo currently implements a dual-conversion strategy: (1) 
> it applies Float->Fraction for comparison like =, <=, etc. (2) it applies 
> Fraction->Float for operations like +, *, etc. The reason for (1) is 
> preservation of = as an equivalence and of <= as a total ordering. This is an 
> important point for most Smalltalkers. The reason for (2), however, is 
> dictated by a supposedly better performance. While it is true that Floats 
> perform better than Fractions, I'm not sure that it makes a noticeable 
> difference in everyday uses. Further, the Fraction->Float conversion might 
> even cost more than the gain of using Floats for the real work, the operation 
> itself. The conversion Float->Fraction, on the contrary, is easier. But the 
> major disadvantage of (2) is that it enters the world of limited precision 
> computation (e.g., Floats), which is much harder to understand, less 
> intuitive, more surprising for most of us. So, it might be worthwhile to 
> suppress (2) and consistently apply Float->Fraction conversions whenever 
> needed. It won't make daily computations noticeably slower and helps in 
> preserving more enjoyable properties than the current dual-conversion regime. 
> Also, it won't prevent the numericists or other practitioners to do floating 
> point computations in mixed contexts: just apply explicit Fraction->Float 
> conversions when so desired. This will be at odd with other Smalltalk 
> implementations but might end up being a safer environment. I would like to 
> thank Nicolas in particular for being so quick in answering back and for the 
> good points he raised. Greetings Raffaello

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