On 11/10/2017 4:42 PM, Florin Mateoc wrote:
> On 11/10/2017 4:18 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
>> 2017-11-10 20:58 GMT+01:00 Martin McClure <mar...@hand2mouse.com 
>> <mailto:mar...@hand2mouse.com>>:
>>     On 11/10/2017 11:33 AM, raffaello.giulie...@lifeware.ch 
>> <mailto:raffaello.giulie...@lifeware.ch> wrote:
>>         Doing only Fraction->Float conversions in mixed mode won't preserve 
>> = as
>>         an equivalence relation and won't enable a consistent ordering with 
>> <=,
>>         which probably most Smalltalkers consider important and enjoyable
>>         properties.
>>     Good point. I agree that Float -> Fraction is the more desirable mode 
>> for implicit conversion, since it can
>>     always be done without changing the value.
>>         Nicolas gave some convincing examples on why most
>>         programmers might want to rely on them.
>>         Also, as I mentioned, most Smalltalkers might prefer keeping away 
>> from
>>         the complex properties of Floats. Doing automatic, implicit
>>         Fraction->Float conversions behind the scenes only exacerbates the
>>         probability of encountering Floats and of having to deal with their
>>         weird and unfamiliar arithmetic.
>>     One problem is that we make it easy to create Floats in source code 
>> (0.1), and we print Floats in a nice decimal
>>     format but by default print Fractions in their reduced fractional form. 
>> If we didn't do this, Smalltalkers might
>>     not be working with Floats in the first place, and if they did not have 
>> any Floats in their computation they
>>     would never run into an implicit conversion to *or* from Float.
>>     As it is, if we were to uniformly do Float -> Fraction conversion on 
>> mixed-mode operations, we would get things like
>>     (0.1 * (1/1)) printString                       -->
>>     '3602879701896397/36028797018963968'
>>     Not incredibly friendly.
>> For those not practicing the litote: definitely a no go.
>>     Regards,
>>     -Martin
>> At the risk of repeating myself, unique choice for all operations is a nice 
>> to have but not a goal per se.
>> I mostly agree with Florin: having 0.1 representing a decimal rather than a 
>> Float might be a better path meeting more
>> expectations.
>> But thinking that it will magically eradicate the problems is a myth.
>> Shall precision be limited or shall we use ScaledDecimals ?
>> With limited precision, we'll be back to having several Fraction converting 
>> to same LimitedDecimal, so it won't solve
>> anything wrt original problem.
> I don't think people have problems with understanding limited precision. We 
> do know that when we write 3.14.. we did
> not write Pi.
> As long as it does not contradict the intuition that we developed early on 
> (and that's the problem with the binary
> representation of floats, not that it is limited)...
>> With illimted precision we'll have the bad property that what we print does 
>> not re-interpret to the same
>> ScaledDecimal (0.1s / 0.3s), but that's a detail.
>> The worse thing is that long chain of operations will tend to produce 
>> monster numerators denominators.
>> And we will all have long chain when resizing a morph with proportional 
>> layout in scalable graphics.
> But I did not propose to drop floats, just to change the visible 
> representation of literals: 0.1 would mean a
> ScaledDecimal literal and 0.1f would mean a float literal. The extra "f" 
> would be a constant reminder that something
> special is going on (the dangers of interpreting the literal as an exact 
> representation in base 10).

And there would still be a lot of places where we would continue to judiciously 
use floats, such as in morphic. Just
like today people don't use fractions when they don't need their extra 
precision - ah, who am I kidding?
There are a lot of developers out there who would go to great lengths to save 
an extra keystroke. :)
Well, I think it could be made to work (e.g. one of the low-hanging fixes would 
be that multiplication of scaledDecimals
would add their scales) and it would complement nicely Smalltalk's seamless and 
intuitive largeIntegers - just like
largeIntegers liberate us from the tyranny of the hardware representation for 
integers, we should also not be prisoners
to the hardware representation of floats.

>> We will then have to insert rounding operations manually for mitigating the 
>> problem, and somehow reinvent a more
>> inconvenient Float...
> I don't think we would have to reinvent Float - this one would stay exactly 
> the same (other than printing the extra f
> (or d)).
> But I agree that you raise an important point with precision/scale. We would 
> indeed need to make ScaledDecimal more
> complicated.
> Because today 0.1s * 0.1s is printed as 0.0s1, even though 0.1s * 0.1s = 
> (1/100) evaluates to true, which is nice.
>> It's boring to allways play the role of Cassandra, but why do you think that 
>> Scheme and Lisp did not choose that path?
> Oh. come on, if Scheme and Lisp did it all already, why are we all here? :)

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