Max, Esteban, Denis: Thanks! it worked:
I didn't have to add or remove packages as in step 5, but I did have
to 'Synchronize
full repository' as in step 6.

Luke, this is offtopic, but here is a brief guide to use epicea after you
lost changes:
1. reopen the image and select "Code Changes" from the world menu > tools.
2. click on left side items: they are change log files.
3. look at the logged changes on right side: the most recent ones are on
4. you can select a single or multiple changes, right click and "apply".
Also there is a button "Filters" with options that can help you to remove
from the view changes you don't want to see.

BTW, the "apply" of multiple changes will work better after the PR is


On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Luke Gorrie <> wrote:

> Just one data point...
> I am completely overwhelmed by all of the different ways to manage source
> code in the Pharo universe. I would love to contribute to upstream but this
> seems way out of reach: I'm not even managing to keep track of the code in
> my own home directory properly yet.
> Just now I am looking at upstream code that should be fixed: CairoLibrary
> unix32ModuleName and unix64ModuleName are giving higher priority to guessed
> hard-coded paths than to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and this is backwards i.e. the
> carefully selected paths a user supplies with LD_LIBRARY_PATH should come
> first (imho.)
> On the one hand it would be fine to dive into the upstream contribution
> process to work out how to do this. On the other hand I am still trying to
> master tools like Epica to recover useful code that I have written and lost
> track of when images crash and get rebuilt etc. I really need to get this
> under control before spending time learning Iceberg, FogBugz, etc.
> On 14 December 2017 at 13:19, Esteban Lorenzano <>
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I’m working on simplifying the contribution process, after collecting
>> opinions/experiences last couple of months.
>> As you know, Pharo contribution process is still WIP and we aim to have
>> it as smooth as possible for Pharo 7.0 release. Now, after observe the idea
>> of the “system repositories” was a bad idea because it introduced extra and
>> non standard “path” to contribution, I managed to remove that to
>> reestablish “the regular way”: you will now need to add pharo repository
>> just as any other repository you add, by cloning or adding local repository.
>> I took Guille’s doc and moved it to pharo project (it does not has sense
>> to have it living in a contributor’s repository when is so important). You
>> can find it here:
>> This document is also updated to reveal this new process, please read it.
>> How to update your startup scripts?
>> Some people has added startup scripts to easy the first part of
>> contribution. Instead enabling system repositories, etc. you now need to
>> replace that with this:
>> (IceRepositoryCreator new
>> location: '/path/to/pharo-project/pharo' asFileReference;
>> subdirectory: 'src';
>> createRepository)
>> register
>> PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE… take a moment to read and try the document. Is
>> very important that document reflects new process and works reliable in
>> different scenarios (I validated it on macOS and Windows, and assumed it
>> worked fine on linux but you know… bad assumptions is the base of failure
>> ;) )
>> I’m eager to hear your feedback and continue enhancing the process.
>> (yes, Stef, I know UI is still cumbersome… I’m working on that :) )
>> cheers!
>> Esteban

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