2018-01-19 8:39 GMT+01:00 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:

> hi :)
> On 18 Jan 2018, at 18:39, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks Luke for your feedback
> Guillermo and Pablo are working on a new Iceberg model and UI.
> Model is done, we will integrate it as 0.7 version.
> UI… is harder. We could do a simple UI that allows just ONE path but at
> the end, no one will use it, because almost no use-case follows that.
> Believe me, I made a research on that… and if you do not believe me, go and
> try github desktop, which basically does that (and nobody uses it ;) )

I use github desktop and I am very like it. But also I do not have problems
with Iceberg process (if not count bugs)

> true story: actually the UI of iceberg was pretty simple when we started.
> It became the mess it is now just adding what people asked to have.
> but also true story: it *is* a mess, so we have to get it right before
> release of Pharo7 :)
> May be
> we can ask you if you want to give them feedback
> and try the new version.
> It is important for us that people can contribute.
> Stef
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Luke Gorrie <l...@snabb.co> wrote:
> Just one data point...
> I am completely overwhelmed by all of the different ways to manage source
> code in the Pharo universe. I would love to contribute to upstream but this
> seems way out of reach: I'm not even managing to keep track of the code in
> my own home directory properly yet.
> there are just two ways:
> - iceberg
> - monticello
> compare with the amount of ways you have in other languages.
> you can use either way you want to keep yours sources.
> but to contribute to Pharo there is just *one* way, following this
> instructions: https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki/
> Contribute-a-fix-to-Pharo
> people has reported this version is a lot easier than previous ones (and
> is not much different on how to contribute to other languages) but we are
> still looking for ways to simplify it (I want to test github issue tracker
> soon, for example, to enhance communication that today is broken in two
> parts… and honest reality check: people finds easier to discuss on github
> over the PR than over fogbugz).
> Just now I am looking at upstream code that should be fixed: CairoLibrary
> unix32ModuleName and unix64ModuleName are giving higher priority to guessed
> hard-coded paths than to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and this is backwards i.e. the
> carefully selected paths a user supplies with LD_LIBRARY_PATH should come
> first (imho.)
> follow the contribution instructions ;)
> On the one hand it would be fine to dive into the upstream contribution
> process to work out how to do this. On the other hand I am still trying to
> master tools like Epica to recover useful code that I have written and lost
> track of when images crash and get rebuilt etc. I really need to get this
> under control before spending time learning Iceberg, FogBugz, etc.
> well… not so much to say here. My only advice is to save often you image,
> when you are working with things that you know may crash the VM (like using
> FFI).
> cheers!
> Esteban
> On 14 December 2017 at 13:19, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi!
> I’m working on simplifying the contribution process, after collecting
> opinions/experiences last couple of months.
> As you know, Pharo contribution process is still WIP and we aim to have it
> as smooth as possible for Pharo 7.0 release. Now, after observe the idea of
> the “system repositories” was a bad idea because it introduced extra and
> non
> standard “path” to contribution, I managed to remove that to reestablish
> “the regular way”: you will now need to add pharo repository just as any
> other repository you add, by cloning or adding local repository.
> I took Guille’s doc and moved it to pharo project (it does not has sense
> to have it living in a contributor’s repository when is so important). You
> can find it here:
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki/Contribute-a-fix-to-Pharo
> This document is also updated to reveal this new process, please read it.
> How to update your startup scripts?
> Some people has added startup scripts to easy the first part of
> contribution. Instead enabling system repositories, etc. you now need to
> replace that with this:
> (IceRepositoryCreator new
> location: '/path/to/pharo-project/pharo' asFileReference;
> subdirectory: 'src';
> createRepository)
> register
> PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE… take a moment to read and try the document. Is
> very important that document reflects new process and works reliable in
> different scenarios (I validated it on macOS and Windows, and assumed it
> worked fine on linux but you know… bad assumptions is the base of failure
> ;)
> )
> I’m eager to hear your feedback and continue enhancing the process.
> (yes, Stef, I know UI is still cumbersome… I’m working on that :) )
> cheers!
> Esteban

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