Hi Nicolai,

2018-02-03 10:42 GMT-03:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>:
> The setup finally somehow works:
> I followed the guide at
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki/Contribute-a-fix-to-Pharo
> * wget -O- get.pharo.org/70+vm | bash
> Does not work (windows msys-console)
> It starts donwloading something but not pharo
> I tried to do at seperate steps:
> Only the image
> * wget -O- get.pharo.org/70 | bash
> Works
> * wget -O- get.pharo.org/vm | bash
> works, but is the wrong VM I guess, I can not open the image
> * wget -O- get.pharo.org/vm70 | bash
> works, seems to load the right vm
> * ./pharo-ui Pharo.image
> Starts the vm but complains about :
> "Pharo cannot write to the changes file named u:\tmp\pharo\Pharo.changes."
> I am sure the file is writable.
> The vm reports to be built on aug 27 2017, is this right?

I think is this one:


> Setting up Iceberg:
> Yes, need option 2, that is, I use the commandline to clone a repository and
> add it to iceberg. Cloning from iceberg directly does not work (long file
> names).
> Ok,
> now I see some uncommitted changes, the guide says: "you may need to invoke
> synchronize"
> But how?
> There is a "synchronize repository... " and "Synchronize full repository
> ..."
> menu entry.
> Which one?
> The first synchronize does not show me how to actually do anything
> and the second one shows a intimidating warning :)
> FInally I removed my fork (it was pretty old), did a new fork and sstarted
> with
> a fresh image.
> Finally, the initial setup up is done, I now try to do some work with it
> and report back
> nicolai

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