Hi Thierry,

2018-02-12 5:48 GMT-03:00 Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Hernan,
> 2018-02-12 7:48 GMT+01:00 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.mora...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Eliot,
>> One could say that a pragma is a message without a method?
>> I think pragmas were never been integrated properly into the system
>> browser. We can browses pragmas with the PragmaCollection but what I
>> mean is a pragma-aware browser. See for example, there are some
>> pragmas where is easy to infer the meaning: <magritteDescription>,
>> <gtInspectorPresentationOrder:>, and others <eProperty> where is not
>> so clear. So even if we take <gtInspectorPresentationOrder:> is not
>> easy with the current tools to find of which parameters makes sense. I
>> always missed something like the annotation pane plugin or the quality
>> assistant plugin in Nautilus, but for pragmas.
> What Eliot is pointing out, is that integration is very easy to do as
> long as you implement it the way Eliot describes it: you see a pragma,
> you select it, search for implementors, and, voilà, you know what the
> pragma is for and how it is used (and you may even get a comment for
> the parameters).
> Now, you can try to do that in Pharo, and, of course that doesn't
> work: I can select the pragma <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 40>,
> search for implementors, and I get none. If I search for senders,
> among the few hundreds of senders I get into my pharo 6 image, and
> knowing that this should be inside the GT-Inspector-Core package, I
> find:
> #GTInspector class >>#extensionsPragma
> Now, following senders of #extensionsPragma, I find about a dozen
> senders (because there are multiple implementors of #extensionsPragma,
> probably). One of the senders is probably the key:
> ProtoObject>>#gtInspectorPresentationsIn:inContext:
> And the use of #allNamed:from:to:sortedUsing: should give you a clue
> about the argument (because, yes there is no comment about the
> argument... or even if the pragma should have one...).

As you noted, that's a long way to find a pragma information.
It should be a lot easier.

>> This could be an excellent opportunity for Calypso to see how pragmas
>> can be exploited in the way you describe.
> As I said above, if used like Eliot describes, then it could be done
> just by searching implementors of the pragma symbol.
> Now, implemented as it is in Pharo, I suspect it will be hard to do
> even for Calypso.

I see. I would love a popup after each new pragma is defined to write
some description.
The system can enforce to write documentation! ;)

Best regards,


> Regards,
> Thierry
>> Thanks for the kind explanation.
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
>> 2018-02-12 1:09 GMT-03:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Hernan,
>>> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 10:47 AM, Hernán Morales Durand 
>>>> <hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I don't know, but how you you find documentation about specific pragmas?
>>> The best way is to ensure the pragma has at least one implementation, i.e. 
>>> there is at least one method in the system that has the same signature as 
>>> the pragma.  This implementation should document the pragma, but even 
>>> better it should be the method that extracts information from the pragma.
>>> An example will help.  Imagine a pragma that specifies a method belongs on 
>>> some menu.  The method containing the pragma is intended to be an action of 
>>> the menu, do that when the menu item is selected, the method containing the 
>>> pragma will b executed.  The pragma defines the menu the method belongs to, 
>>> where in the method, the string to appear in the menu, the hot key for the 
>>> menu item, etc.
>>> If the pragma is implemented by a menu builder then
>>> - yes, certainly the pragma can be documented in the m by builder's 
>>> implementation, but also
>>> - the menu can be built by performing the pragma by the menu builder
>>> This was my intent when Steve Dahl and I invented pragmas, that there would 
>>> always be implementations of the pragma in classes that were designed to 
>>> extract the information from the pragma and add the method containing the 
>>> pragma to whatever structure the pragma was intended to facilitate updating 
>>> (menus, inspectors, exported apis, etc).  So the most powerful way of use 
>>> my pragmas is via a visitor pattern:
>>> When a method with a particular pragma is added or removed, the class 
>>> containing the method triggers some action.  This action collects all the 
>>> relevant pragma methods in the class hierarchy, creates some builder 
>>> object, and has the builder perform each method containing a relevant 
>>> pragma.
>>> Using pragmas as arbitrary labels is fine, bug doesn't exploit the fact 
>>> that pragmas are messages, and that hence one can do senders and 
>>> implementors /and/ perform them.
>>> HTH
>>>> Hernán
>>>> 2018-02-11 14:48 GMT-03:00 Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> what is this pragma in metaclass method?
>>>>> Stef

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