On 23 March 2018 at 11:31, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> On 23 March 2018 at 05:14, Cédrick Béler <cdric...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just saw students and they still have some problem on windows with the
>> launcher.
>> First, the launcher has to be run in admin mode.
>> Then, the image download starts but there is an error when uncompressing.
>> Here is the stack.
>> Any idea on how to fix that ?
> Now I notice...
> the Linux PharoLauncher download is a ZIP file
> and the Mac PharoLauncher download is a ZIP file
> so... can we make the Windows PharoLauncher download a ZIP file?
> Doing that, at least as an interim measure, would *immediately* make
> PharoLauncher
> usable to students on locked-down Windows machines in University student
> labs.
> I'd expect this will improve the success with this experiment
> to use PharoLauncher as the main user entry point.
> The problem with using an "Installer" for the Windows PharoLauncher is the
> large amount
> of testing required to work *reliably* with *all* the "different ways
> people work"
> under several different versions of Windows introduced different layers of
> user security intricacies.
> Lets move forward in small steps.  A ZIP download/extract is simple, and
> consistent with other platforms.
> In the meantime while waiting for that to happen, you can...
> 1. Download/extract  http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo6.1-win.zip
> 2. Rename  Pharo6.1    folder to  PharoLauncher
>     Rename  Pharo6.1.*  files to    PharoLauncher1.1.*
> 3. Metacello new
>        smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo'
>        project: 'PharoLauncher';
>        configuration: 'PharoLauncher';
>        load.
>     PhLDeploymentScript doAll.
>     PharoLauncher open.
>     Smalltalk snapshot: true  andQuit: true.

> 4. Zip up the parent folder, test on another machine and provide a link to
> your students.
> cheers -ben
> P.S.  I was going to suggest also renaming  Pharo.exe  to
> PharoLauncher.exe
> but with an empty Documents\Pharo\vms
> I get... "Error: Cannot detect Pharo executable in
> C:\Temp\MyPharoLauncher\PharoLauncher"
> in PhLVirtualMachine>>initializeOn: "File @ C:\Temp\MyPharoLauncher\PharoL
> auncher"
> since "executables := aFolder allChildrenMatching: self class
> executableName."
> is empty since "self class executableName" ==> "Pharo.exe"
> It would be nice for that to not be hard coded.  I tried digging further
> but ran out of time.
> I am curious it mattered since using "Pharo.exe" the Launcher went on to
> download a VM anyway.
> P.S.2.
> I believe the best path forward for system-wide PharoLauncher installed
> under "C:\Program Files"
> would be to install there only...
> * the VM
> * PharoLauncher.ZIP
> * a tiny non-Pharo wrapper program as the shortcut linked from AllUsers >
> Start Menu > PharoLauncher
> that extracts PharoLauncher.ZIP to the user's data area and then starts
> that user specific PharoLauncher.
> Then regardless whether:
> * they individually download/extract  PharoLauncher.ZIP
> * the system-wide-wrapper extracts  PharoLauncher.ZIP
> its a similar experience for users which should aid reliability by
> reducing the number of "different " use cases.

Coincidentally I have returned to Windows for a short while so thought I
put my money where my mouth is and have a stab at this.  After a few hours
trying with NSIS,
I went searching for an alternative and Advanced Installer looked like a
good chance.
The important part of  (free) Basic Features  is "Windows 10/8/7/Vista and
UAC installs"
Also further down are some CI options.

After just the "Simple Installation" tutorial and experimenting a few hours
I ironed out
a potential solution uploaded for testing to
with the full build tree at
Links should be live for 30 days.
I've directly attached the much smaller installer-configuration file

PharoLauncher was built with some minor changes from above...
1. Download/extracted  http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo6.1-win.zip

2. Renamed  Pharo6.1    folder to  BCPharoLauncher
    Renamed  Pharo6.1.*  files to    PharoLauncher1.1.*

3. Metacello new
       smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo'
       project: 'PharoLauncher';
       configuration: 'PharoLauncher';
     PharoLauncher hardResetPersistanceState: true.
     PhLDeploymentScript doAll.
     PhLDeploymentScript  closeWindowsAndOpenLauncher.
     Smalltalk snapshot: true  andQuit: true.

4. Moved the  image & changes  files into a subfolder "PerUserFiles"

5. Built  BCPharoLauncher.msi

I prefixed my initials to distinguish it from the current official
PharoLauncher installer.
Hopefully this can be adopted as the official installer and they can be
dropped off.

Key features:
a.  Provides a choice to install for "Everybody" (i.e. C:\Program Files
     or "Only for me"
(i.e. C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Local\Programs\Pharo\BCPharoLauncher\)
     per attached screen snapshot.

b.  Start the install as a Standard User and it escalates only as needed.

c.  The Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts run the following script...
          // File: PharoLauncher.js
          // Author: Ben Coman 2018.03.24
          // Purpose: Facilitate each user to run a personal copy of
PharoLauncher.image in their own data area.

          // Locations
          basename = "\\PharoLauncher1.1";
          WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
          fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
          systemFolder = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".");
          vmFilename = systemFolder + "\\Pharo.exe"
          systemBasename = systemFolder + "\\PerUserFiles" + basename;
          userFolder =
          userFolder2 = userFolder + "\\PharoLauncher";
          userBasename = userFolder2 + basename;

          // Ensure user data folder exists for PharoLauncher
          if( ! fso.FolderExists(userFolder))
          { fso.CreateFolder(userFolder);

          // If either  image or changes  files missing from user folder,
copy from system folder.
          if( ! fso.FileExists(userBasename + ".image") || !
fso.FileExists(userBasename + ".changes"))
          //WScript.Echo("Setting up user environment");
          fso.CopyFile(systemBasename + ".image",    userBasename +
".image", true);
          fso.CopyFile(systemBasename + ".changes",  userBasename +
".changes", true);

          // Start personal copy of PharoLauncher
          WshShell.Exec(vmFilename + " " + userBasename + ".image")

cheers -ben

Attachment: PharoLauncher.aip
Description: Binary data

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