Hi Stef,

On 11 Mar 2019, at 8:12, ducasse wrote:


ifNotNilDo: was probably deprecated in Pharo 50 so this is a bit normal that it got removed in P7. But we should check this.
I do not have the time today for this.

normally ifNotNilDo: should be covered by a migrator automatic rewrite rules (can you check?): Ducasse/Migrator because in such case you load the migrator packages and execute the tests of the OSProcess (if any) then you execute OSProcess and the user of ifNotNilDo: will be automatically rewritten and you are just left to check
the senders that are left and commit a new version.

You have extensions defined for #ifNotNilDo: in your migration definition for 50 to 60.

If IfNotNilDo: is not covered by a automated migration we should add one.
It was deprecated before the automated migrations were introduced.

Now about your question: yes a new version of OSProcess should be produced for P7.
The best would be to migrate it to github.

I think Dave might disagree ;) If the maintainers are fine with moving to Github then that would be great. I assume that there will be some objections to that (e.g. because of loading in Squeak?) and we (I at least) don't want to maintain a fork / mirror on Github.
Pulling from SqueakSource works fine for now.


Let me know if it helps.


On 11 Mar 2019, at 08:00, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Pharo 7 no longer includes #ifNotNilDo:, meaning that OSProcess loading fails. I volunteer to update OSProcess for Pharo 7 but I need someone to tell me what the expected workflow is. AFAICT, we've simply copied the current ConfigurationOf to the MetaRepoForXX in the past without making any changes specific to Pharo. That will not work this time. So, should I create a new version of OSProcess for all platforms, where #ifNotNilDo: has been replaced with #ifNotNil:? Or should I add a compatibility package for Pharo? Or something else?


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