> On 14 Mar 2019, at 17:33, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2019, at 11:55, ducasse wrote:
>> Ok now one of these days we will have to have all the important libraries 
>> hosted in the same place.
>> It is not sure that we will maintain MC forever.
>> For example SmalltalkHub should get readonly by the end of the year (for 
>> lack of maintenance reason).
>> BTW is OSSubProcess working for you?
> Yes, it works. There appear to be some methods that need to be updated but 
> general functionality is there.

Let us know because Guille did a pass on Mariano’s version and we are ready to 
improve it.

> Max
>>> Hi Stef,
>>> On 11 Mar 2019, at 8:12, ducasse wrote:
>>>> Max
>>>> ifNotNilDo: was probably deprecated in Pharo 50 so this is a bit normal 
>>>> that it got removed in P7. But we should check this.
>>>> I do not have the time today for this.
>>>> normally ifNotNilDo: should be covered by a migrator automatic rewrite 
>>>> rules (can you check?): Ducasse/Migrator
>>>> because in such case you load the migrator packages and execute the tests 
>>>> of the OSProcess (if any)
>>>> then you execute OSProcess and the user of ifNotNilDo: will be 
>>>> automatically rewritten and you are just left to check
>>>> the senders that are left and commit a new version.
>>> You have extensions defined for #ifNotNilDo: in your migration definition 
>>> for 50 to 60.
>>>> If IfNotNilDo: is not covered by a automated migration we should add one.
>>>> It was deprecated before the automated migrations were introduced.
>>>> Now about your question: yes a new version of OSProcess should be produced 
>>>> for P7.
>>>> The best would be to migrate it to github.
>>> I think Dave might disagree ;) If the maintainers are fine with moving to 
>>> Github then that would be great. I assume that there will be some 
>>> objections to that (e.g. because of loading in Squeak?) and we (I at least) 
>>> don't want to maintain a fork / mirror on Github.
>>> Pulling from SqueakSource works fine for now.
>>> Max
>>>> Let me know if it helps.
>>>> Stef
>>>>> On 11 Mar 2019, at 08:00, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Pharo 7 no longer includes #ifNotNilDo:, meaning that OSProcess loading 
>>>>> fails. I volunteer to update OSProcess for Pharo 7 but I need someone to 
>>>>> tell me what the expected workflow is. AFAICT, we've simply copied the 
>>>>> current ConfigurationOf to the MetaRepoForXX in the past without making 
>>>>> any changes specific to Pharo. That will not work this time.
>>>>> So, should I create a new version of OSProcess for all platforms, where 
>>>>> #ifNotNilDo: has been replaced with #ifNotNil:? Or should I add a 
>>>>> compatibility package for Pharo? Or something else?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Max

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