> On 11 Sep 2019, at 04:07, James Foster <smallt...@jgfoster.net> wrote:
> Would use of ? and ! in unary/keyword selectors be convention or somehow 
> required? If simply convention, then we should start with renaming testing 
> methods to be named is* or has*. 
>       flag1 := anInteger even.                “not good"
>       flag2 := anInteger isEven.      “better"
>       flag3 := anInteger even?.       “how much better?”
>       flag4 := #(1 2 3) includes?: 2. “how much better?”

I think that I would use ? mainly for unary message

Now I’m sure that if you look carefully some people use

                for the action
                for the tests

I took include as an example and this is super not intention revealing. 

>> lineUpBlockBrackets

        Now I will rewrite them all as shouldLineUpBlockBrackets or 
isLineUpBlockBrackets and to me for unary message ? makes it a lot better.

> I’m not convinced that having another way to indicate a testing method will 
> help if people still don’t name methods well. 
> Also, can you give an example of where ! would clarify the meaning? Are you 
> thinking of the following:
>       myPoint x!: 3.
>       myArray at: 1 put!: nil.
> Those don’t seem to be much improved!

Pay attention you cannot use ! as separator. 
For ! I do not care now. 

> I’m not arguing for “compatibility" or "staying in the past." I’m just trying 
> to understand the benefit.

The question ? 

> Thanks,
> James
>> On Sep 10, 2019, at 1:14 PM, ducasse <steph...@netcourrier.com> wrote:
>> I would love to retract ? and ! from the list of binary selectors. 
>> I’m super super frustrated that predicates cannot be easily identifiable. 
>> for example is 
>>      lineUpBlockBrackets an action or a testing method.
>> I think that we are trapped in mistakes from the past. 
>> In racket and scheme and I guess ruby too we can use ? in the method and 
>> this change the game. 
>> self lineUpBlockBrackets? 
>> We have plenty of binary selector parts that are not used and think that 
>> it is frustrating. 
>> Let us check: 
>> Character specialCharacters 
>>      '+-/\*~<>=@,%|&?!·÷±×'
>> + 
>> - 
>> /
>> \
>> ~
>> <
>> =
>> @
>> ,
>> &
>> | 
>> %
>> those are ok
>> I have no idea what is · nor how to type it. 
>> ÷ looks from the past.
>> ± so funny
>> × no idea what it is and….
>> Then we have two that could really improve our language 
>>      ? and !
>> Do not tell me that there is a value in these selectors?
>> (#(#+ #- #/ #\ #* #~ #< #> #= #@ #, #% #| #& #? #!) combinations 
>>      select: [ :each | each size = 3 and: [ each includesAnyOf: #(#? #!) ] 
>> ]) collect: [ :each | each first, each second, each third ] 
>> #(#'+-?' #'+-!' #'+/?' #'+/!' #'+\?' #'+\!' #'+*?' #'+*!' #'+~?' #'+~!' 
>> #'+<?' #'+<!' #'+>?' #'+>!' #'+=?' #'+=!' #'+@?' #'+@!' #'+,?' #'+,!' #'+%?' 
>> #'+%!' #'+|?' #'+|!' #'+&?' #'+&!' #'+?!' #'-/?' #'-/!' #'-\?' #'-\!' #'-*?' 
>> #'-*!' #'-~?' #'-~!' #'-<?' #'-<!' #'->?' #'->!' #'-=?' #'-=!' #'-@?' #'-@!' 
>> #'-,?' #'-,!' #'-%?' #'-%!' #'-|?' #'-|!' #'-&?' #'-&!' #'-?!' #'/\?' #'/\!' 
>> #'/*?' #'/*!' #'/~?' #'/~!' #'/<?' #'/<!' #'/>?' #'/>!' #'/=?' #'/=!' #'/@?' 
>> #'/@!' #'/,?' #'/,!' #'/%?' #'/%!' #'/|?' #'/|!' #'/&?' #'/&!' #'/?!' #'\*?' 
>> #'\*!' #'\~?' #'\~!' #'\<?' #'\<!' #'\>?' #'\>!' #'\=?' #'\=!' #'\@?' #'\@!' 
>> #'\,?' #'\,!' #'\%?' #'\%!' #'\|?' #'\|!' #'\&?' #'\&!' #'\?!' #'*~?' #'*~!' 
>> #'*<?' #'*<!' #'*>?' #'*>!' #'*=?' #'*=!' #'*@?' #'*@!' #'*,?' #'*,!' #'*%?' 
>> #'*%!' #'*|?' #'*|!' #'*&?' #'*&!' #'*?!' #'~<?' #'~<!' #'~>?' #'~>!' #'~=?' 
>> #'~=!' #'~@?' #'~@!' #'~,?' #'~,!' #'~%?' #'~%!' #'~|?' #'~|!' #'~&?' #'~&!' 
>> #'~?!' #'<>?' #'<>!' #'<=?' #'<=!' #'<@?' #'<@!' #'<,?' #'<,!' #'<%?' #'<%!' 
>> #'<|?' #'<|!' #'<&?' #'<&!' #'<?!' #'>=?' #'>=!' #'>@?' #'>@!' #'>,?' #'>,!' 
>> #'>%?' #'>%!' #'>|?' #'>|!' #'>&?' #'>&!' #'>?!' #'=@?' #'=@!' #'=,?' #'=,!' 
>> #'=%?' #'=%!' #'=|?' #'=|!' #'=&?' #'=&!' #'=?!' #'@,?' #'@,!' #'@%?' #'@%!' 
>> #'@|?' #'@|!' #'@&?' #'@&!' #'@?!' #',%?' #',%!' #',|?' #',|!' #',&?' #',&!' 
>> #',?!' #'%|?' #'%|!' #'%&?' #'%&!' #'%?!' #'|&?' #'|&!' #'|?!' #'&?!’)
>> may be this one #&?! is useful for WTF!
>> And because of that we sacrifice having nice method names!
>> I really think that we should change that.
>> S. 

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