Wait I do not understand what you are saying :)
I never said that I want to forbid anything. I just say that I would like that 
? is not consider as a part of a binary selector. 
Am’i clearer?


> On 11 Sep 2019, at 19:48, Nicolas Cellier 
> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, and I forgot about your argumentation Stef:
> you cannot forbid binary selectors altogether because some are ugly @@*+!!! 
> (I think I read this one in Asterix le gaulois)
> for the same reasons that 
> youCanNOtfOrBIDunaYSElectORSWIthletTersBECauSESoMeaREUgly
> Le mer. 11 sept. 2019 à 19:44, Nicolas Cellier 
> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
> Le mer. 11 sept. 2019 à 10:40, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 2:14 AM Gabriel Cotelli <g.cote...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:g.cote...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Looks like Christmas season opened early this year :)
> Jokes aside, I'm in favor of changing some of the characters we use for 
> binary selectors to allow it to be used in keyword/unary messages. 
> I'll include % in that list. For me its more useful as a way to create 
> percentages ( 5 % ) than to be used as a binary message for keeping an ugly 
> name from C-like languages.
> · is middle dot and it's used in some math operations AFAIR
> × is used in math also (it's used as the multiplication sign for scalars, 
> cross product for vectors and cartesian product for sets)
> One thing that would be really cool is that we can use the full power of 
> Unicode in methods/class names. Projects like polymath and DSLs can clearly 
> take advantage of that. Some examples I've just invented, but can be 
> supported:
> ∑ from: 1 to: 5 do: [:i | i + i squared ]
> 1 ≥ 3
> ∃ anyIn: #( 1 2 4) such: [:x | x isPrime ] 
> ∅ includes: 1
> Yes I would like to have something like that for PolyMath :-)
> Is it possible to use Unicode characters for identifiers already ?
> I working on the port of : https://github.com/len/Domains 
> <https://github.com/len/Domains>
> to Pharo. The author modify the Cuis parser, so he can do things like that : 
> "⊕ is used for direct sums, ⊗ for tensor products, × for cartesian product, 
> direct product of groups, ring products, and in general for categorical 
> products."
> Of course we want to be able to use those selectors:  ⊕  ⊗ etc...
> Not using those selectors in core image is one thing, forbiding their usage 
> for every package is another thing
> Concerning the selectors with more than 2 characters, there are two examples 
> in use in Squeak
> ==> logical implication (I use it a lot when writing tests cases)
> <=> space ship operator
> /// has been used in the past (but is rather deprecated)
> What is questionable is cultural acceptance of universal meaning of a Symbol
> <=> could have meant logical equivalence, but it would be pointless, because 
> = (and == thanks to singleton) are already equivalence.
> It has been expunged from Pharo to my regrets, because it is
> - beautifully self defined as < = >
> - culturally legitimate
> - the art of original author (Travis Griggs)
> There is no sacred cow, but respect of author has a value for me.
> It's sure that every binary selector might be questionable, at least in core 
> image.
> For application, you never know (think DSL) we can create a lot of not 
> completely inaesthetic ASCII styles
> <|>  ><   <+> <->  /+/  |*| 
> For example +/- could be used for interval arithmetic (if we don't want to 
> pay the burden of typing unicode, which ain't easy)
> /\  \/  intersection and union
> |\| the Nicolas operator - I didn't fin a usage for it yet ;)
> etc...
> So why would one want to forbid them?
> For ? and ! I do not foresee elegant usage as binary, but would not miss them 
> as regular letters eithers.
> It means accepting huge???  - understand isReallyHuge :)
> huge?:or!:???and: which are not less questionable.
> Ideally, it should be really easy to define one's own syntax in any class 
> (already possible with own compiler/parser/scanner/whatever), or maybe any 
> method
> I find that it's somehow more complex with the well engineered new Compiler 
> than it was with the very hackish legacy one, but that's a detail.
> and also define ^ as a binary method:
> "The ^ (hat) operator is used for exponentiation as well as conjugation by 
> group elements, and for creating free modules of tuples and matrices."
> I'm not sure this is a good idea, because ^ is used also to return values.
> There is no ambiguity for ^ and i have proposed that in Squeak years ago, 
> it's a very simple change (here for legacy Compiler)
> http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Compiler-nice.280.diff 
> <http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Compiler-nice.280.diff>
> The only argument against it is that omitting the point ending last but one 
> sentence would not be detected as invalid syntax
>     self doThis.
>     ^self doThat
> versus
>     self doThis
>     ^self doThat
> To address this concern, we could have rules concerning the formatting:
> normally we would write
>     self doThis ^ self doThat
> or eventually if on several lines, we would generally indent
>     self doThis
>         ^ self doThat
> An unusual formatting is a code smell IMO
> And in fact, this is not much different from un-detecting when we send a 
> message #self when forgetting the point
>     self doThis
>     self doThat
>     self doThis self doThat.
> A+
> -- 
> Serge Stinckwich
> Int. Research Unit on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
> Sorbonne University (SU)
> French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
> University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
> "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for 
> machines to execute."
> https://twitter.com/SergeStinckwich <https://twitter.com/SergeStinckwich>

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