Ø  ... as I pointed out there is need to feel butthurt ...
Ouch, such a terrible typo. „there is *no* need“.

In other news, thanks for all the hysteria, but no plang mailing list needs it; 
just many thanks for demonstrating exacly what it is that‘s not needed.

From: Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 12:18 PM
To: Pharo Development List <pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
Cc: Rauš Miloslav <miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Re: Metacello / Iceberg / GitHub master to main 

Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

It is not about feeling oppressed and stuff, it is about systemic racism that 
impregnated our vocabulary and that we are trying to get rid off.
We should say in the FAQ that we support the idea of the transition but that 
for now, technically, using "master" is easier with Pharo until anyone from the 
community takes her time to solve the project.

Woke + Virtue-Signalling => nazi words used by nazis to tell other nazis that 
they should nazify the discussion and kill every effort about any kind of 
social movement discussion.
+ typical nazi arguments everywhere in your messages... We're not stupid.

Vocabulary and things will change. Pharo is political (in every way), so it has 
a political dimension and it will be discussed.
You can do nothing about it.
Just quit.

Le 2021-07-21 11:51, miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz<mailto:miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz> a 
écrit :
Ugh. Slight history lesson / disambiguation.

The phrasing „woke" actually came from „the left", first it was being „woke" 
about feminism, then this, then that.
Then, those who felt oppressed by the sexist arguments of extreme, „woke" 
fraction of feminism, or racist arguments of those posing as anti-racists (and 
I could go on), started to use it as a pejorative, for those pushing insane 
propaganda, and for the propaganda itself.
Then, those who called themselves / their positions „woke" in the past, started 
screeching that it is „extreme right vocabulary".

As multiple people pointed out, master repository doesn't have anything to do 
with slavery; as I pointed out there is need to feel butthurt about some words 
even if your ancestors were affected by the concepts they were also used for. 
So you points are completely invalid, virtue-signalling garbage.

But it usually takes „having the lived experience" of the woke garbage turning 
aginst you, to get one of the indoctrinated to leave their religion. And trying 
to do so doesn't belong on this forum, I just said what I felt needed to be 

And with this, I'm back to lurking, I just wanted to clearly demonstrate why 
such debates have no merit (clearly the opposite) on prog. lang. forums/mailing 

Everyone, keep on making Pharo great.

From: Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io<mailto:steven.cost...@kloum.io>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:47 PM
To: Rauš Miloslav <miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz<mailto:miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz>>
Cc: pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org<mailto:pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
Subject: [Pharo-dev] Re: Metacello / Iceberg / GitHub master to main renaming

So far, no windmill complained about "woke incursions".
"Woke" is extremely clear vocabulary, only used by - let us get straight to the 
point and not waste our time - modern nazis.

So, perhaps you misused the word and should document yourself extensively on 
the subject.
But your reply seems to point otherwise.
And *you* are the one feeling hurt because we want to recognize that vocabulary 
has an impact on how we perceive and conceive things.
What was that again about cowardise and virtue? :)

It is something to cope as we can with an annoying technical situation, it is 
another thing to ask to not consider political views because they are "woke" 
(which only purpose is to deny their legitimity without arguing).
Does the Pharo community support "anti-woke" argumentation?
This needs to be clear so that I can decide to leave the community or not.

Or perhaps, that is a misunderstanding.


Le 2021-07-20 20:12, miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz<mailto:miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz> a 
écrit :

it's „highly probably" somewhere in the territorry of poor understanding, but I 
wouldn't blame language (don't pretend to be obtuse when you want to be 
sneakily subversive).

I explicitly stated that fighting against _actual_ slavery is better done by 
other means / elsewhere. Fighting against percieved shadows („extreme right 
vocabulary"; or nomenclature that never hurt no-one) is just divisive, and 
counter-productive on a programming language mailing-list.

You can't erase history, and that some words that had negative connotations in 
the past are used for new, entirely unrelated purposes today is no wonder.

As, of course, you can't be bothered to know, I'm member of one of those 
nations called „Slavic" (.cz in my mail address). You know, you pretender, 
nations who were enslaved so frequently that the word „slave" came from our 
enslavement. Do I have a tendency to blame „heirs" of those who enslaved us in 
the past ? Do I cringe every time the word slave is uttered ? Do you know that 
some brainwashed individuals in our nation, in sync with todays brainwashing, 
tried to push the narrative that we (our nation), were colonizers as well ?


No-one is gonna make me feel like a victim (or an abuser) because of what 
happened in the past, before my father was born, etc.

Go fight you windmills, Don Q., I just hope the rest of the community won't let 
themselves be pulled into it.


From: Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io<mailto:steven.cost...@kloum.io>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 4:08 PM
To: Pharo Development List 
Cc: Rauš Miloslav <miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz<mailto:miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz>>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Re: Metacello / Iceberg / GitHub master to main 

Le 2021-07-19 16:54, miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz<mailto:miloslav.r...@cuzk.cz> a 
écrit :
Maybe it's worth putting something in an faq - that we support the intent of 
the master to main naming convention
That's pretty counter-productive. It would be just empty virtue-signalling 
response to an empty virtue-signalling gesture (that of MS/Github pushing 
master->main transition).

The change would bring absolutely nothing to no-one (except a lot of needless 
work/friction; and an inroad for future woke incursions). Whomever is having 
problem with slavery can fight modern-day slavery in ie. Africa / China / etc 
or sex trafficking in their own country.

I'm a bit sorry if I misinterpret what you say because of my poor understanding 
of english.
But I would answer that whomever having a problem with fighting slavery in 
general should leave the community.
Anyone also using and supporting extreme right vocabulary (e.g. "woke") should 
leave the community.
If that's trolling, all the same.

If I misinterpreted (non-native english speaker), I am sorry, and probably you 
will agree with me and there is no need for dicussion.


I'd prefer either nothing in the FAQ, or finite statement to the tune of "no 
wokeness, we are about merit and not about empty gestures".

Of course I expect cowardice & virtue-signalling to win in the end, but at 
least I tried.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works<mailto:tim@testit.works>>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 1:14 PM
To: Pharo Development List 
Subject: [Pharo-dev] Re: Metacello / Iceberg / GitHub master to main renaming

Maybe it's worth putting something in an faq - that we support the intent of 
the master to main naming convention, but that as we are a small community 
trying to improve many aspects of 50 years of development, this one had to 
unfortunately take a back seat for the moment while we simplify other things to 
make this an easier change?


On 19 Jul 2021, at 12:26, stephane ducasse 
<stephane.duca...@inria.fr<mailto:stephane.duca...@inria.fr>> wrote:


From that perspective this master to main change will cost us a lot of problem.
I decided to continue to configure all my repositories to use master
and I will do it for any repository that is related to pharo and that people 
may use. Just to remove such kind of friction.
I would encourage people to do the same like that we do not have to think.


On 12 Jul 2021, at 14:32, Sven Van Caekenberghe 
<s...@stfx.eu<mailto:s...@stfx.eu>> wrote:


For new GitHub projects the default branch is now main instead of master.

There is however code in Metacello / Iceberg / ... that tries a number of 
options if no branch is specified, but it is not yet aware of this change.


This does not work

./pharo reddit.image metacello install github://svenvc/Reddit

instead you have to say

./pharo reddit.image metacello install github://svenvc/Reddit:main/

It took me half an hour to figure this out ;-)


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