---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Cunningham <cunningham...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Newbies] squeak locks up on windows / help me debug it...
To: "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about
Squeak." <beginn...@lists.squeakfoundation.org>

It is worth noting that Pharo is currently under heavy development.  The
Pharo team is busy ripping out parts of Squeak they don't want in the base
image and adding other parts that they do want.  From all reports it is very
nice to work in, but it is not a stable release at this point.  If you want
to keep working with it, be prepared to submit bug reports to that list if
you encounter issue like this one.

Otherwise, pick up the squeak 3.10, 3.9, or 3.8 to try out the tutorials
until Pharo is more stable/released if you don't want to be that involved in
the development (or early beta/alpha? testing) of it.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Cameron Sanders <
csanders.perso...@functional-analyst.com> wrote:

>  I thought the Pharo base image (3.10 with a few fonts & Balloon3d added)
> running on Windows was looking pretty stable (compared to other images).
> But after an hour of editing code on a Vista machine --an hour since the
> last save—Squeak has abandoned me. It is unresponsive. Trying both control
> and alt in combination with '.', 'l' (lower case L), 'c', does nothing
> apparently useful.
> The process stack reported by Vista shows it to be incurring page-faults
> like mad. [OK, that has subsided while I typed this email.] My machine has 4
> GB of RAM, I am running two instances of internet-explorer, and I have
> turned off the Windows search-indexing service. I know Vista has a
> guess-the-next-program pre-loader that could be a little overzealous in
> displacing programs from RAM… but still… it seems like this 101MB program
> shouldn't generate any page faults when the other two leading memory pigs
> are using less than double that much virtual memory. Vista's Resource
> Monitor claims I am using only 43% of physical memory. The page-fault count
> for Squeak.exe doubled while I typed this message.
> When I click the Squeak icon on the window frame of the running copy (upper
> left on Windows), I do see the menu for VM Preferences. It shows me the menu
> and allows me to invoke actions. It will allow me to toggle the "Show output
> console" on and off. The output console shows me changes to memory (as I
> have that option checked). I can use my mouse wheel to scroll this console.
> Control-'.' and Control-c (and lower case L) in this console do not change
> anything.
> After mucking around in the console area, I am now getting "WARNING: event
> buffer overflow" just moving my mouse around in squeak. After turning the
> console off, the pointer is now invisible except when you click. It appears
> that the overall squeak window is repainting itself properly.
> -- Help me debug it
> I have an interest in building a commercial application in Squeak. The FAQs
> says squeak is stable. Given the active community of developers (including
> The Great Ones), I imagine that it is stable, and that I am just doing
> something dumb… repeatedly. However, for Squeak to be adopted more broadly,
> it can't go zombie on users, even when the user does something dumb. That's
> an absolute.
> What is the longest uptime a squeak image has ever endured (while doing
> something useful)? Which version was that and on what platform?
> So I am willing to work to help make squeak more robust, but as a complete
> newbie with it, I need much guidance. So right now, with this hung-up image,
> what should I do? Should I attach to it with gdb? And if so, then what? [If
> the internal process control is working, I won't be able to make heads or
> tales out of it from gdb, right?]  Or can I launch another squeak and send
> it a signal in some way [is it listening?]? What is most useful in this
> case?
> [Is there a way in Windows/Vista to signal an app so as to force a core
> dump?]
> Thanks in advance,
> Cam
> PS: I want to emphasize that I do not care about the code lost in this
> particular instance (it was tutorial code), instead I am looking for a
> stable free development environment… and I'm willing to help make one.
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