2009/2/25 Dale Henrichs <dale.henri...@gemstone.com>:
> ----- "Igor Stasenko" <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> | one more thing:
> | pressing 'restart' does not restarts evaluation from choosen context,
> | and also throws me an error, when i previously created a new method
> | by
> | 'create method' button.
> Igor,
> I can see the 'extra contexts' that you reported in your other message, but I 
> don't seem to be able to reproduce the above problem.
> Pressing 'restart' trims the stack and doesn't throw an error when I try it 
> (using OB-Tools-dkh.62)...
> Could you reproduce the bug and supply an 'error report' for the stack error 
> that you get, so I can get a better idea of what the problem may be.

Weird.. seems like i'm too lucky in finding bugs :)

Okay, here is how to reproduce it.
Download following image:


open workspace and do it:

nil sendweirdmessage

when debugger pops up, press 'create new method' and see the stack
with 'extra contexts'
you can press 'debug' instead and still see these contexts.

> Dale
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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