I think that frederick is on the list.

On Oct 21, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Johan Brichau wrote:

> I agree that we need to refine the ideas in the inspector. Is Frederic
> on this list?
> I also understood from Niko on monday that he is working on an
> alternative inspector that very much ressembles the one from
> Visualworks (which I very much like).
> The expandable tree 'infinite inspector' is a good idea for exploring
> an object's state but it should probably not be applied to everything
> that one can navigate to from within the object (i.e. not for
> methods). Getting to the methods from within the inspector is cool but
> if they expand in the same tree as the state, you quickly end up with
> a tree that does not show you anything anymore. After a couple of
> expansions, I often get a tree mixing state and behavior on different
> levels, with long method lists that require me to scroll through the
> tree and close levels again to see what I want. In the end, I have no
> easy way of navigating the object structure anymore because opening/
> closing the tree levels to see what I want in a single window becomes
> not manageable.
> Here is what I would like to see happening (and I'm willing to help to
> get there too!):
> - Double clicking on an item in the tree on the left should open a new
> inspector window on that item (I really do not like adding it as a
> root in the same window: I find it confusing having two roots). This
> will already allow me to open up another view on the same structure or
> keep a window open on certain structure so I can return to it
> afterwards.
> - Do not make the methods expandable in the tree but rather open a
> list of methods in the right-hand pane that can be selected (and
> 'send' to the object if it's a unary message). Right now, selecting
> methods will give the list of selectors, which is not so useful.
> - Use visual icons instead of 'Class' and 'Methods' (duno if this is
> possible in the treemorph?)
> - Do not 'inspect/explore' the class as a normal object but make it
> jump to a browser instead
> On 21 Oct 2009, at 15:54, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> we tried to use and force you to use the new inspector and it does  
>> not
>> fly that well.
>> I'm sure that frederick is open to suggestion so please send your
>> remarks. Here were mine :)
>> Stef
>> Hello Stef,
>> here what is really strange and annoying is that we cannot see the
>> collection elements in the right pane
>> Now it is fixed.
>> on the left Elements is confusing. because this is not clear the
>> relationship with array, firstInd....
>> It shows only elements of any kind of collection (it is simply a
>> collect: [:o | o] on the collection).
>> on the right this is also frustrating that we cannot modify, touch  
>> the
>> elements.
>> Ok... but you can expand the Elements, select the element you want to
>> change, put the new value in the description pane and accept it.
>> I'm not sure that we want to see the class (in an expandable manner).
>> For the methods may be you want to stop and show the methods but
>> expandabel
>> may be by defualt you should not show the class and methods as
>> expandable and have a menu entry doing that (expand)
>> I'm not sure to understand what you want. For me the NewInspector it
>> is a like an infinite inspector: if you want to go into an object,  
>> you
>> can. So if you want to inspect a class or the methods, you should  
>> have
>> the possibility to do it.
>> Fréd
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> ----------------------------
> Johan Brichau
> johan.bric...@uclouvain.be
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