> 1) First of all, I don't like the PharoWeb name. Because it is not Web in
> general, it is seaside. So, in my opinion, a better name would be
> PharoSeaside. Maybe even new comers may think that the only alternative is
> seaside. You know I have nothing against Seaside and that I even use it
> several times. I would like to see AidaWeb images based in Pharo too.

I think at some point the images also contained AIDA.

> 4) Now I created all the Metacello configurations for the PharoDev image and
> I took me a lot of time. Because I am not the developer of any of those
> projects. So, I need to understand the dependencies, the order, the
> versions, etc. But why ??? If Seaside people have already done that, don't
> duplicate efforts.

There is a configuration for Seaside 3.0 (and probably also Seaside
2.8). This was probably the first configuration every written. Ask

> 4) You may notice that Seaside images are a bit "different" than our Dev
> images. This is mostly due to the preferences, the theme and maybe some
> tools (ECompeltion instead of OCompletion, etc..). So, what I suggest is to
> prepare a little script that can be downloadable and those people who want a
> Seaside image but more "similar" to our Dev images, just run that script.

They are different because they reflect my preferences. I basically
build the Seaside images for me. If other people like and use these
images, that's great of course.


Lukas Renggli

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