Hi miguel

what is the solution?
I remember that I saw passing some code to support nanos 
but I'm not sure that it was integrated.
Now let us fix it if possible.


On Feb 13, 2010, at 1:32 AM, Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez wrote:

> El vie, 12-02-2010 a las 14:58 -0800, John M McIntosh escribió:
>> With the Mac VM 5.4b1 I have a microsecond clock. 
>> http://n4.nabble.com/microsecond-timing-for-GC-work-td1016253.html
>> zero feedback, maybe it's too fast and you never get above 1 millisecond in 
>> testing eh? 
> Thanks that indeed shown a difference in my machine. 
> But, then other question, why the default implementation of DateAndTime
> now and TimeStamp now isn't smaller than a second.
> By sending now I get a DateAndTime object but by sending
> millesecondClockValue a get a SmallInteger representing the number of
> milliseconds.
> But there isn't in the class side of both classes and neither in Time
> class a method to build a DateAndTime, a TimeStamp or a Time from
> milliseconds. So to convert this value to a date again I will have to
> trunk the time to a second resolution. Is this analysis correct?
> Of course I could index my objects in the list with the millis number
> but I would be happier if I could index them with a real date object.
> Anyway, not that that is a show stopper, is just that when creating
> objects I'm assigning a creation date and I would like to find what
> objects are older that others created at about the same lapse, without
> resorting to use their position in an external data structure (i.e. the
> OrderedCollection, an array or the line number in a file).
> Thanks to everyone for the answers.
>> On 2010-02-12, at 12:46 PM, csra...@bol.com.br wrote:
>>> Miguel,
>>> Pharo allows you to drill down to millisecond resolution, but for your 
>>> 'benchmark' that's still too coarse:
>>> {DateAndTime. TimeStamp } collect: [ :class |
>>> | list |
>>> list := OrderedCollection new.
>>> 1 to: 1000 do: [ :each |
>>> value := class millisecondClockValue.
>>> list add: value ].
>>> list last - list first ].
>>> I get an Array (1 1).
>>> Changing from 1000 to 100000 (hundred fold) I got  #(77 141).
>>> HTH
>>> --
>>> Cesar Rabak
>>> Em 12/02/2010 17:02, Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez < miguel.c...@gmail.com > 
>>> escreveu:
>>> I am noticing that both
>>> DateAndTime now
>>> TimeStamp now
>>> have a precision of seconds, that is, the nanos is always 0.
>>> I am doing a bulk data creation and inserting them in a list with a
>>> timestamp for each insertion but this isn't working because several
>>> entries have the very same DateAndTime or Timestamp.
>>> For example:
>>> {DateAndTime. TimeStamp } collect: [ :class |
>>> | list |
>>> list := OrderedCollection new.
>>> 1 to: 1000 do: [ :each |
>>> value := class now.
>>> list add: value ].
>>> list last - list first ]
>>> gives an Array(0:00:00:00 0:00:00:00)
>>> How can achieve smaller than a second timestamping in Pharo?
>>> -- 
>>> Miguel Cobá
>>> http://miguel.leugim.com.mx
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>> John M. McIntosh <john...@smalltalkconsulting.com>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
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> -- 
> Miguel Cobá
> http://miguel.leugim.com.mx
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