
Since object databases and other databases are a dear subject to me I 
must reply with some "hints" :)

laurent laffont wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to learn on Pharo + databases. I've seen there's several 
> solutions in both object and relational databases. 
> - Which (open source) object database should I start with (most used) ? 

Magma is in that case what you want. GOODS was mentioned, but I have not 
used it. We use Magma in Gjallar and while I am now leaning to try 
another solution it has worked quite fine, but a tad slow. Note though 
that the slowness can probably be fixed.

> - Which object database can be accessed from Smalltalk AND  Ruby or 
> Python ? How ?

Well, if this is an important aspect I would look at CouchDB or MongoDB 
(but so far there is no working driver for Pharo/Squeak - but Kent Beck 
is working on one, and I wanted to do it - but haven't had the time).

These new "document databases" like CouchDB and MongoDB are quite object 
database-ish, and they work perfectly fine in a mixed environment and 
have very good Ruby/Python support.

For CouchDB we have two drivers at this point, one based on Curl and one 
using straight SocketStream directly that Igor works on.

> - I want to try MySQL too. 
> Is there up to date small applications on squeaksource which show this 
> stuff quite well ?

Not sure. SqueakSave was mentioned and I think it probably is a very 
interesting GLORP alternative.

regards, Göran

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