On Mar 15, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Fernando olivero wrote:

> Now we have in Pharo the following:
> Morph                                 |               Editor 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> EntryFieldMorph                       |       SimpleEditor
> NewTextMorph                  |       TextEditor
> MethodMorph                   |       SmalltalkEditor
> ClassDefinitionMorph  |       SmalltalkEditor
> NewTextMorph is a cleanup version based on TextMorph, that is still missing 
> some functionality. 
> MethodMorph and ClassDefinitonMorph are NewTextMorph for specifically viewing 
> and editing methods and classes.
> I did  a couple of tests also, and examples.
> TODO: menu support (easily done), OB and Glamour integration( high 
> complexity?), OCompletion(fairly easy, i will work with romain on this).
> Stef, should i use the lastest 1.1 image  as the base for preparing the SLICE?

Now Fernando when you are talking about 
        and ClassDefinitionMorph this is for your ide?
So may be you should keep that for you?
Or/and are you saying that we should have a new SmalltalkCodeMorph that has a 

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