I believe the duplicate events issue was solved or do you have an
example of it occuring again?

On 3/19/10, Adrian Lienhard <a...@netstyle.ch> wrote:
> Hi Mariano,
> As you may remember, I have removed HostSystemMenus from PharoCore 1.0 some
> time ago.
> What I did in this case was "Smalltalk at: #HostSystemMenus ifPresent:...",
> which is not very nice but easily solves the problem.
> Thanks for removing it in 1.1. Until the duplication of events due to this
> package/plugin is solved, we should not have it in PharoCore. Or maybe even
> better we should not have it in PharoCore at all and load it only in Pharo
> (when it works).
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 23:38 , Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> Hi folks. I want to remove HostMenuSystem from PharoCore image. Probably,
>> I
>> can put it on PharoDev image but of course, it will be accesible also from
>> squeaksource to download it. I don't this is a "core" package. In order to
>> do that, I found the following problem.
>> Look to InputEventSensor >> processMenuEvent: evt
>>    | handler localCopyOfEvt |
>>    localCopyOfEvt := evt shallowCopy.
>>    handler := (HostSystemMenus
>>        defaultMenuBarForWindowIndex: (localCopyOfEvt at: 8))
>>        getHandlerForMenu: (localCopyOfEvt at: 3) item: (localCopyOfEvt at:
>> 4).
>>    handler handler value: localCopyOfEvt
>> There is the only place where HostSystemMenus is used. Now I am trying to
>> see the best way to remove this. The first approach that came to my mind,
>> which may not be the best to implement this method as follows:
>> processMenuEvent: evt
>>    "By default the menu events are not handled. In case you want to handle
>> them you should override this method"
>> And of course, in the package HostSystemMenus  we override that method
>> with
>> the original code.
>> Then I though some kind of notification or oberser pattern, where someone
>> can register as an "observer" and then, then this menu events occurs,
>> these
>> guys are notified. Maybe using Announcments?  My skills here are quite
>> limited. What do you think ? Can you help me ?
>> Cheers
>> Mariano
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