I noticed a problem with transformation morphs and created a bug report:


The problem seems to be that the transformation morph creates a black
rectangle on the rotated clipping bounds. I does not only happen with
TextMorphs but also with (some) other morphs. I tried to convert the
TextMorph to a SketchMorph and the same happens there. I have no idea
how to fix that problem. I need a solution because eCompletion rotates
some text by 90, which is currently not possible.

| stringMorph transformationMorph |
stringMorph := 'vertical text' asMorph.
transformationMorph := TransformationMorph new asFlexOf: stringMorph.
transformationMorph angle: Float pi / 2.
transformationMorph position: 5...@5.
transformationMorph openInWorld.


Lukas Renggli

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