On 10.04.2010 01:51, Romain Robbes wrote:

So that would be for the Pharo 1.1 version, I suppose?

Hopefully, yes :)
Personally I find it the most annoying things in rc4 to be:
1 it doesn't close immediately when
a) I mouseclick another location in the text (only when I type something)
    b) change focus to another window
2 It does not update the list location when
a) I've mouse-clicked another place in the morph and started typing again.
    b) I've moved/resized the editor
3) It takes ~ 0.5 -1 second to update if I press down, and on each character typed thereafter with items still in list (Te - down - s - t, s and t take some time to input)
4) Mouse-click on a list item does not select it.

1 is somewhat remedied by the patch I guess, for the rest I guess 2 and 4 should solvable by additional logic, and 3 would require some profiling.

1b and 2a in combination is quite annoying, as the list will be below the morph when you refocus, and in many cases you will be able to see suggestions for the new location.
(1/2 b would also be easy to solve with window announcements)

In essence, I feel it still could use some improvement with regards to awareness of mouse activity and multiple editors.


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