On 11 April 2010 17:42, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 April 2010 17:29, Schwab,Wilhelm K <bsch...@anest.ufl.edu> wrote:
>> Interesting theory.  The question is are they trying to force developers to 
>> buy Macs, or are they simply trying to avoid the hassles of targeting 
>> Windows?  10+ years to present day is an interesting time frame.  OLE was 
>> pretty much out of the way (supported but not pressed and certainly not 
>> dominating the work flow of the masses), COM was still the answer to 
>> everything, at least until the OCX/ActiveX silliness got into full swing, 
>> and then they started threatening to do away with native code (.Net, 
>> presentation framework, end of the portable executable format, etc.).
>> If I could avoid all of that *and* sell some of my high-priced hardware at 
>> the same time, I might do the same thing that Apple is doing.
> But what makes you think, that your approach to software development
> is any better than any other one?
> Or, that having C, C++, Object-C and JavaScript is all what today's
> developper needs?

You could have a brilliant hardware with tons of cool functionality.
But without good software this is just a piece of useless metal and plastic.
And we know, that all good things is brought to life in open and free,
creative environments, not in sealed
and secured , paranoic places.

People won't buy an 'approved' C++ crap, if they will have a choice to
use something which is way better.
And they are really don't care, what language is used to implement software.

P.S. i miss the S letter in 'Apple's name, so , i will put a $ instead :)

>> Bill

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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