On 21 April 2010 14:48, Saris Hein <h...@beta9.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get some stuff done with REST using Pharo.
> So far, I am able to do GETs, but I am unable to do PUTs because the REST 
> service expects the content sent to be JSON.
> For this to work, I need to set the Content-Type of the request to 
> 'application/json'.
> I have successfully installed the CurlPlugin via Gofer (version 25 from dao), 
> and thanks to John (M. McIntosh), who provided me with a new version of the 
> bundle for Mac, I was able to pass all the tests, except for the 
> testApiOptions test, which fails on the timeout: test.
> The version John provided me with is 2.0.0. I first tried with version 1.1.0, 
> but that failed on 13 tests due to a primitive that failed constantly 
> (<primitive: 'primSetOptLong' module: 'CurlPlugin'>).
>  There is a method addHeader: in the plugin, but it does not seem to do 
> anything useful.
> I have found a blog (Jazz Programming) by Giovanni Corriga, who claims to 
> have a version of the plugin that allows for custom headers to be set, but 
> the link to his version gives a 304 error. Plus the blog dates from 2007.
> Having a version of the CurlPlugin that allows me to set a custom header 
> would be great, so if anybody has one, please let me know. But what I would 
> really like to have is a good implementation of the HTTP protocol in 
> Squeak/Pharo, so that we are not dependent on a plugin. The standard HTTP 
> client in Squeak/Pharo is based on HttpSocket, and is only a partial 
> implementation of the HTTP protocol (it only supports GETs as far as I can 
> tell).
> Does anyone know of another way to do basic HTTP in Squeak/Pharo?

Yes. I know :)
Another way is to use sockets directly, without curl. This is way what
i went for implementing a CouchDB interface for Pharo & Squeak. With
this way you can generate _any_ request header with any contents,
without bothering, if some 3rd party plugin supports it or not.
You can check it out here:

    location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/SCouchDB'
    user: ''
    password: ''

> Regards,
> Hein
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Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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