Yes, I imagine something along ...

PPParser class>>helpOn: aBuilder
        aBuilder newBook: [ :book |
                        title: 'PetitParser';
                        newPage: [ :page | page title: 'Tutorial'; contents: 
self blogArticle ];
                        newChapter: [ :chap | chap title: 'Operator API'; 
PPParser selectors in: PPParser ];
                        newChapter: [ :chap | chap title: 'Parser Classes'; 
PPParser withAllSubclasses ] ]

This allows me to assemble the help from things that I have already
written anyway. It does not introduce new dependencies and is small
and concise.


On 5 May 2010 11:24, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:
> Lukas
> I agree with you. Now my point was let us learn
> there is a builder that can use pragma and this is the one we should use.
> See my mails and the answers of torsten.
> What I would love to have is
>        - HelpSystemBuilder that collect some class comments and tests
>        based on a given pragma.
> Alain? Lukas? Torsten? Other? what could be a nice pragma for a Sunit
> testAbsoluteAuthority
>        "self debug: #testAbsoluteAuthority"
>        <test: #URI about: 'absolute uri with authority' tag: #(network )>
>        | uri absoluteURIString |
>        "An absolute URI with authority. An absolute URI starts with a scheme:"
>        absoluteURIString := ''.
>        uri := URI fromString: absoluteURIString.
>        self assert: (uri asString = absoluteURIString).
>        self assert: (uri isAbsolute).
>        self assert: (uri authority asString = '').
>        self deny: (uri isOpaque).
> Then now we could use help system to force us to write better tests.
> Stef
>> I think it is a design flaw that the help system doesn't make use of
>> extensibility in the spirit of the new preference system, the
>> extensible menus, or the metacello configurations. They all don't have
>> external dependencies and load fine into any image.
>> Being forced to have strong references to the HelpSystem package (with
>> subclasses and class references) makes it impossible to just include
>> some documentation into a package, without introducing a dependency
>> onto the HelpSystem. This doesn't encourage me at all to provide some
>> quick documentation (e.g. for Gofer, PetitParser, RB, OB, ...),
>> because I would need to create separate packages.
>> For deployment I usually use kernel images, or core images with
>> unnecessary code unloaded (tests, examples, help system, ...). With
>> the current setup I cannot just include some documentation into a core
>> package without being forced to package it separately.
>> Lukas
>> --
>> Lukas Renggli
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