2010/5/8 Henrik Johansen <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no>:
> As Nicolas described, linkedlists certainly have their usecases.
> I think you might be blurring cause and effect when using is only used in
> process handling, as an argument why the easier-to-use, no noticeable
> performance overhead (but slightly more complex implementation wise) version
> should be reverted.
> Cheers,
> Henry

Personnally, I like a LinkedList being able to hide the Link the way
Dictionary hides the Association.



> Den 8. mai 2010 kl. 00.06 skrev Nicolas Cellier
> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com>:
>> 2010/5/8 Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com>:
>>> 2010/5/7 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>>>> On 7 May 2010 23:47, Lukas Renggli <reng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> He had the idea that it would be nice to be able to add any object to
>>>>>> a LinkedList, instead of just Link subclasses. (IIRC, 'like you can in 
>>>>>> Ruby'
>>>>>> ;))
>>>>>> So we added ValueLink as the common pattern for "A link with an object
>>>>>> in it", which is now the default if you add an object which itself is 
>>>>>> not a
>>>>>> link.
>>>>>> Makes it much more convenient to actually use a LinkedList, ref. f.ex.
>>>>>> the Stack implementation.
>>>>> LinkedList is used internally by the process scheduler to handle
>>>>> processes, I don't think that it is ment to be used as a public
>>>>> collection class. For probably all applications it is slower and uses
>>>>> more memory than an OrderedCollection.
>>>> +1.
>>>> OrderedCollection's addLast/removeFirst/removeLast, is enough to use
>>>> them as lists.
>>>> About performance, i am little concerned.
>>>> Linked lists is good , that is costs you a constant time for each new
>>>> element you adding.
>>>> While for OrderedCollections it vary depending on container state. In
>>>> most cases, it costs you as little as for linked lists, but when
>>>> contained is not big enough to hold all elements - then it has to grow
>>>> and consuming a lot more time comparing to adding a previous element.
>>> Yes, LinkedList is most interesting when you add:after:/remove: in
>>> between...
>>> OrderedCollection also isn't at best when used as FIFO because repeted
>>> addLast/removeFirst will trigger a makeRoomAtLast.
>>> It might be better to handle a cyclic index.
>>> For example, I would maintain firstIndex and size in inst vars:
>>> addLast:anObject
>>>   array size > size ifFalse: [self grow].
>>>   array atWrap: firstIndex + size put: anObject.
>>>   size := size + 1.
>>>   ^anObject
>>> removeFirst
>>>   | firstObject |
>>>   self emptyCheck.
>>>   firstObject := array at: firstIndex.
>>>   array at: firstIndex put: nil.
>>>   firstIndex := firstIndex \\ array size + 1.
>>>   size := size - 1.
>>>   ^firstObject
>>> grow
>>>  | grown end |
>>>  grown := Array new: array size + self growSize.
>>>  end := (firstIndex + size - 1 min: array size) - firstIndex + 1.
>>>  grown replaceFrom: 1 to: end with: array starting at: firstIndex.
>>>  grown replaceFrom: end +1 to: size with: array startingAt; 1.
>>>  array := grown
>> Oops, forgot
>>   firstIndex := 1
>>> Of course, you still pay the grow...
>>> Nicolas
>>>>> Lukas
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lukas Renggli
>>>>> www.lukas-renggli.ch
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>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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