We said that for middle May we were going to freeze 1.1. This means, no more
new features or refactors. Just bug fixes. So, the next steps can be:

- Release a PharoCore1.1 with the last version we have so far tagged as
alpha1 (please, put this tag in the zip, .image and .changes). This may be,
for example: Pharo-1.1-11360-alpha1.image
- Build and release a Pharo 1.1 alpha1 based on such core (now we have
almost all dev tools working well in 1.1)
- Make publish all new VMs (for each OS)

Then the idea is that people/developers start to play with Pharo 1.1. It may
be quite unstable as this is the first release for 1.1. People should try to
load their own packages, adapt them (if necessary) to 1.1, and report all
issues they find (and fixes!!). But they should keep in mind this the first
alpha ;)

With these, we will be testing: new VMs, PharoCore, PharoDev tools, and
external packages (from other people).

Pharo team at the same time, continues to work, fixing and integrating. We
make new versions as we have been doing so far. When we consider, we release
an alpha2....then beta, then RC and finally Pharo 1.1.

now...do you think there is an issue that is so important to be
fixed/included in the first Pharo1.1 even being a first alpha ?


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