On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Maybe you should include "Pharo-Project-Help" MCZ package
> from squeaksource.com/HelpSystem into the ConfigurationOfPharo.
> While the core image only has the basic help support and only
> one topic ("Help on Help) the dev image would then have some basic
> infos on Pharo itself as well as the browsable API for Pharo
> accessible from the help browser (if this is loaded).
Thanks Torsten. I wasn't aware of such package. So..for next release I will
add a project reference from ConfigurationOfPharo to
loading the default group (that includes core, help and system).

Now, the problem is that I already have Help-Core and tests in
PharoCore...so will it override them?  which version should I use? the one
from the core of the one of the metacello configuration ?

> Do we have a ghostwriter who wants to help on this package?
I don't know. For me it is difficult to have so many places to write: Pharo
By Example volume 2, Collaborative book, Help System....how do we
concentrate efforts? where should I write each thing ?  I think we should
make this a bit more clear.



> Thx
> T.
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