When i switch to demo mode, method selector in System Browser are no
more bold in the bottom pane.

2010/5/21 Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Pharaoers. I am pleased to announce the first Pharo 1.1 beta based on
> PharoCore-1.1-11367-Beta. It is the first time we build a Pharo 1.1 dev
> image with PharoCore 1.1 so the image may be not 100% stable. However, we
> think it is good to release it so that people can start to test it, load
> their own packages, adapt them, etc. We would like to receive feedback about
> it. It (yet) has failing and error tests.
> The main changes with Pharo 1.0 is that of course, it is based on a
> PharoCore 1.1 with all that it means. We started to write down some of the
> actions done in PharoCore 1.1. The list so far can be found here:
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/ActionsInPharoOneDotOne
> Of course, for the stable releae of Pharo 1.1 we will do a clear list in the
> website as we did for 1.0.
> Regarding the included packages in 1.1 we added ScriptManager (a tool to
> manage and persist workspaces), ProfStefBrowser, ArchiveViewer,
> MethodWrappers and ObjectMetaTools (which includes things like
> ProtocolCatcher, ObjectTracer, ObjectViewer, etc).
> Another difference is the font. In Pharo 1.0 we used TrueType fonts by
> default. In Pharo 1.1 we use StrikeFonts (no need of TrueType plugin,
> netiher to have the fonts). However, of course, you can disable StrikeFonts
> and put TrueType like in 1.0.
> That's all. We would really appreciate you use it, test it, report issues,
> provide fixes, etc. It is important also that you start to use your own
> packages/applications. There have been several changes in 1.1 that may
> require change in your code.
> Ahh if you want to create the image yourself, check as usually the
> installScript.st file to see how to do it. Actually, you can just take a
> PharoCore-1.1-11367-Beta image and evaluate (the same procedure as 1.0):
> Gofer new
>     squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfPharo';
>     load.
> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPharo) project version: '1.1-beta1.10517')
> load.
> Here is the link to the image:
> https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/27025/Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1.zip
> Cheers
> Mariano
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