Henry wrote:
> Personally, being used to VisualWorks, I always get bitten by having to 
> >select the entire selector for implementors/senders... :)


Another thing that is related to the above and to the different browsers:

In Core: When I select a method I can choose "Senders of..." 
         and "Implementors of..." to either search for senders/implementors
         of the selected method AND the messages sent into the selected 

In Pharo: with OB I can just do "senders" and "implementors"
          which looks for the senders/implementors of the selected method
          One is NOT able to search for senders/implementors of 
          the messages sent within the selected method.
          Here I have to select the entire selector which is
          time consuming as described above.

So Pharo with OB is (compared to core) really a step backwards here.
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