> Again: when I have a method
>       foo
>         self sendMessage: myMessage with: text.
>         self sendSecondMessage: myMessage.
> B) In Pharo (with OB): I can only check the senders/implementors
>              of #foo which is limiting and makes it hard to search
>              for s/i of the other messages sent from within the
>              method body.
> => So I'm limited with Pharo(OB) compared to Standard browser in Core.

In OB you select (in the list or in the source code) whatever you want
to browse/references/implementors/senders of. There are no additional
pop-ups or questions.

And please Torsten could you *finally* fix your e-mail client/account?
You are the only one in the whole Smalltalk world that constantly
messes up the mail threading.


Lukas Renggli

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