I tried some of these in Mac TextEdit, and they don't all work as advertised.
Anyway, please don't let the feel become Maccentric.
Let us rather choose among native (default ?), classic squeak, or customizable.


2010/7/22 Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com>
> Hi everyone.
> I have no idea what the status is on the editor in pharo and if there are any 
> plans to do something to / with it. If there's some resource, could you point 
> me to it?
> In the meantime I thought I'd share my impressions with you; doesn't hurt at 
> least.
> Since I started developing in Pharo I've struggled with the editor, in 
> particular with the fact that I need to use the mouse a lot to position the 
> cursor which, as all of you know, makes development quite a bit slower.
> Before I came to Pharo I used to develop in Eclipse and Eclipse supports all 
> shortcuts used inside OS X (and if not you can change the shortcut settings). 
> My favorite shortcuts:
> cmd + -> : go to end of line
> cmd + <- : go to beginning of line
> alt + -> : go to end of the current word
> alt + -> : go to beginning of current word
> alt + arrow up : switch the line above with the current line (current line 
> has line number -1, line above has line number +1)
> alt + arrow down : switch the line below with the current line
> cmd + l : delete line (I know this shortcut is used to cancel changes at the 
> moment. Still, I haven't found a shortcut yet that deletes a single line)
> I'd LOVE to see this in Pharo, or at least be able to configure the shortcuts 
> myself. I think, being able to change the shortcuts is important anyway 
> because each developer has an own style.
> I'd try to come up with a solution myself but I just don't have the time at 
> the moment.
> Thanks for listening to my yapping :)
> Max
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