> Hi,
> Cool, I'll update Gofer Project Loader to understand this repositories...
> what we are going to do with MetacelloRepository?

I would like to keep the name metacelloRepositories.

> Cheers,
> Esteban
> On 2010-08-04 05:21:55 -0300, Miguel Enrique Cobá Martínez 
> <miguel.c...@gmail.com> said:
>> Hi all,
>> I have created three new repositories on squeaksource:
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/UniverseForPharo10
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/UniverseForPharo11
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/UniverseForPharo12
>> They are the repositories for the current versions of Pharo. The idea is
>> that each new release add a new UniverseForXXX repository and populates
>> it with the current UniverseForXXX packages of the stable release.
>> Right now they are mostly empty, but should be populated by the
>> community and the ConfigurationOfXXX maintainers.
>> Most ConfigurationOfXXX packages in
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository
>> should be copied to UniverseForPharo10. Which versions? The last known
>> version that is working correctly on Pharo 1.0. This will be the
>> official universe for Pharo1.0. No ConfigurationOfXXX should be stored
>> on UniverseForPharo10 if it is not working correctly on Pharo10.
>> Then two things can follow:
>> - If the package already has ConfigurationOfXXX package versions that
>> work in Pharo 1.1, those versions should be copied to
>> UniverseForPharo11.
>> - If the ConfigurationOfXXX only works for Pharo1.0 and the maintainer
>> want to create the configuration for Pharo 1.1, he/she must copy the
>> last working configuration for the package from UniverseForPharo10 to
>> UniverseForPharo11. There he/she can start modifying the package until
>> it works correctly in Pharo1.1 (use the blessing: tags wisely to avoid
>> marking a broken configuration as released)
>> This will permit to populate the UniverseForPharo11 based on the last
>> working package versions from UniverseForPharo10. From that point they
>> will likely diverge because of maintenance releases to the packages in
>> any UniverseForXXX repository.
>> The same will must be done to migrate from UniverseForPharo11 to
>> UniverseForPharo12. You get the idea.
>> With time, MetacelloRepository should be deprecated in favor of this
>> UniverseForXXX repositories.
>> Anyone is free to copy a working version from a previous Universe to a
>> new Universe. They have read/write permissions to all.
>> This setup will avoid the problems we are having right now with the
>> in-image changes that are rendering the ConfigurationOfXXX unusable in
>> distinct releases of Pharo.
>> What this means to the end user:
>> - For released version of Pharo
>> They will have to use gofer this way:
>> Gofer new
>> squeaksource: 'UniverseForPharo10'; "Or UniverseForPharo11"
>> project: 'ConfigurationOfMagma';
>> load.
>> ConfigurationOfMagma project latestVersion load.
>> - For next releases of Pharo
>> Gofer loadFromUniverse: 'Magma'.  "Or with GoferProjectLoader"
>> ConfigurationOfMagma project latestVersion load.
>> All this depends on conventions to find the appropriate universe for
>> each pharo release, and also in the support from tools (like gofer in
>> this example or the GoferProjectLoader if it is part of the core image).
>> The universe functionality of the tools right now rely on the
>> SystemVersion current majorMinorVersion string for deciding which
>> repository to connect to. This could be improved surely but for now it
>> works.
>> I'm loading a new version of Gofer to PharoInbox with this functionality
>> added so if you want to load directly from the universes with gofer do:
>> Gofer upgrade.
>> Gofer loadFromUniverse: 'YourPackageAlreadyInAUniverse'.
>> But wait to this change to be treated by Stephane or Lukas before
>> attempt it.
>> Right now there is only Magma in the three repositories, but it
>> shouldn't be hard for the maintainers of the other Configurations to
>> help populate the universes from Pharo1.0, Pharo1.1 and Pharo1.2.
>> This will benefit us as a community because the universes for the
>> released pharo versions will be mostly untouched (only maintenance
>> releases) and people will have the freedom to modify the configuration
>> in the unstable (currently UniverseForPharo12) universe without
>> affecting the users of the stable versions.
>> Also, this will avoid to have a lot of conditionals inside the
>> ConfigurationOfXXX classes, because a given class will target a specific
>> Pharo release (the version on the newest universes could even delete the
>> methods for the old universe, because will likely won't work in the new
>> universe, deleting unnecessary and legacy code from the configuration)
>> Comments and improvements welcome
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